A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 163,200,182 Issue: 280 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y9
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Short Stories

Trials of a Warrior: First Chance

Sarashi crouched under an abandoned cart. The guards would find her soon. She wasn't worried about that...

by blueyeofriverclan1
Hyperion: The Tear

The Moehog at the opposite end of the table smiled. "Of course," he said with a grin. "I'm assigning you your first mission as a Defender..."

by micrody
Lost in the Lost Desert

Find out what happens when two young Neopets rest at an old Yurble's tent in the Lost Desert!

by scarvogue
A Plain Muffin

There is nothing quite as horrible in all of Neopia as being a Plain Muffin. What's that, you say? There is no such thing as a Plain Muffin? No, no, my friend. I assure you there is. I would know, because I am the only Plain Muffin in existence...

by sunny_forever
The Beginning of a Legend: The Story of Magax

"Hubrid... he... he made you drink a potion. It had a strange effect on you..."

by ilhs11
The Effects of Procrastination

Homework. The word echoed loudly and hauntingly throughout Ardana's head constantly. Everywhere she turned it seemed like more work would follow her. And even though she felt the pressure of the enormous volume of work, she still procrastinated, and the pile grew steadily larger...

by puppy200010
A Dangerous Gamble

A loud laugh cut across the noise of the crowd, and Branston looked towards the entrance and stiffened with anger. Deadeye had entered the party with a crowd of rowdy sailors in tow...

by dragonlover8560

Then Lily decided that Hatshepsut should be painted desert. You may not think this a melancholy thing, but it was for Hatshepsut; her old owner had named her Hatshepsut in the hopes of one day painting her desert...

by krishpine4
Standing Up

"First day of school!" The Flotsam slithered out of bed ungracefully and out into the hall, nearly knocking over a coat rack...

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittygirl5170

Dorak, The Little Known Hero

It wasn't much in all reality. But to a child with such a creative mind as Dorak, it was a heaven all in its own. It was a huge pirate ship!

by ice_dragons_jewel
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"Lost in the Lost Desert" by scarvogue
With a great amount of effort, Faichu lifted his tired head and cast his gaze into the horizon. Not too far in the distance stood a small tent pitched under a tree, which barely cast a cooling shadow. "Let's... go see... if anyone... is home..." stuttered Faichu, his energy drained by the fervent sun. The two Neopets staggered over to the small tent, clearly using up their last steps...

Other Stories


Who is Queen Fyora?
Fyora IS a warm-hearted faerie too, you know. She's not a mean, cruel Dark faerie.

by lost_nyanko


Snowmuncher: the Frozen Frontier
The giddy petpet looks down as his lips rise into a light smile; what a silly worry. He is simply hungry! The sudden relief vanishes as he realizes that there is nothing but snow for miles to see. When in doubt, take that snow out!

by lemonlovingcutie


Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Eight
Mareian was furthest outside of their little niche, and had the best view out into the rest of the courtyard. Jeran had the creeping suspicion that she could see something that explained exactly where the missing relics had gone...

by nimras23


Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part Six
Racing on all fours, the young Wocky dove for the patch of light, ignorant of her lingering exhaustion. After what seemed like an eternity, she skidded to a halt—in the centre of a large limestone hall...

by yatomiyuka


Don't forget your coat...

by xtermination


Off Track: Aisha Ears
They're gone!

by klipsan

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