Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,202,438 Issue: 368 | 14th day of Storing, Y10
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Short Stories

An Unexpected Journey of Self Discovery

The Library Faerie put on her spectacles and, in the most helpful voice that she could muster, asked, "How may I help you?"

by do_u_luv_me23
Losing Sedgee

I can tell whose voices are raised. Sedgee and Chair. What the...? Everyone knows Chair would do anything for the little Green Cybunny.

by champ100543
Conversations With A Faerie

"Sure, you could use 'faerie' for a typical person of that description, but I'm not typical. I'm stronger, faster, meaner, and smarter than anything or anyone you could call a 'faerie'. I would like to be called a Warrior With Wings."

by esleyoga

"We're lost in deep space, and we're going to have to figure out how to get back to Neopia in one piece..."

by i_live_under_the_bed
Jerdana The Protector

"Run, Dana, run. I know you should stay here, but we're at war with Qasala, and I couldn't let anything happen to you."

by froggylover911
Finding Frieda

The day Piper moved to Mystery Island was one of the worst days of my life.

by majikel
Fyora's Mission

"She's auditioning apprentices!"

by petulapig
The Unknown Friend

"Ew," she murmured under her breath, low enough so that the storekeeper couldn't hear her. The Slorg winced.

by sheyda_sheyda
Snow Wars II Draftee: Chrysanthelithium's Epiphany

The only thing that seemed to hold any warmth was the intense fire in my teammates' eyes. This was what they lived for.

by luckyfishie
Running Away

"Rose, you remember that I told you to keep up. I can't keep stopping the herd for you every time you fall behind."

by hylakisweetheart
A Louched Tale

It's green, green, gorgeous green, the strangest drink you've ever seen!

by mantiszero
Shift and Trixie, and Also Kee

"I'M the one doing all the dirty illegal work; I expect to at least get a decent paintbrush!"

by hidden_cloak
Search the Neopian Times


Wanna Snowball Fight?

Fellow Neopians, winter is just around the corner. It's time to put on our coats, scarves, and gloves and engage in the most classic winter game of all time: Snowball Fight! Let's not confuse this great game with Snow Wars (no fun!), nor with Snow Wars II, well known for being one of the most annoying and hard games in the whole world of Neopia...

Other Stories


How to be a Neoslang Nerd
The word or phrase that you don't understand is what I like to call Neoslang, named because it's slang you use on Neopets.

by surfy_chick27


A Little Further Up
The problem was that I had no goals.

by weaponstar


Shay Peters and the Clockwork Caper: Part Two
Twelve people sat in a circle in the middle of what seemed to be an old library...

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack


No Other Way: Part Seven
Drakav looked at the display. 2:04. Just over three minutes for Jomoro to get into the other room.

"What if he doesn't make it?"

by spoonguardonline


... kind of.

by shukaku13


I Bet You Win!
A poogle race will start in a few minutes!

Idea by pseudo_philosopher

by cevierakasky

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