Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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Short Stories

Fortune Cookies

'You will meet a masked stranger who will want your items.'

by redvelvte_cupcake
Voyage of the River Skippers

"This is awesome!" Xilau yelled. The ghost Gelert had his front paws up on the railing; his ears streamed behind him in the breeze.

by newenglandquizzer
The Sneeze That Turned Me Baby

I gasped, gasped again, and sneezed.

by goodsigns
Perfect Horizons

No, thank you. I rather like it here. Scenic in a way you can't find in Faerieland, overflowing with star struck tourists.

by aurorapearl
The Story of Zeirn

Zeirn the Red Kougra was currently curled up on a hammock under a blue blanket, shivering with fear. Every time the lightning struck or the thunder rumbled, he would flinch...

by rookerooke10
From Above the Dull Clouds

A rumor is a rumor; preparing for the worst will never help.

by tanzanite800
When You're a Bounty Hunter.... have to deal with certain things that don't show up on the job description.

by solcana64
Hot Chocolate Morning

Hope glided through the Catacombs in her pale green dress, listening to the darkness.

by reggieman721
Hide and Seek

It was an idyllic day in Neovia. Then again, the standards for an "idyllic day" in Neovia may have been slightly different than the standards elsewhere...

by izziemushroom
The Shape-Shifter's End

I staggered off the platform, avoiding the smoke trailing from the still-hot laser ray. I felt different now.

by purplepeggie
Jayjay the Mutant Quiggle

"Hey, three eyes! You're ugly and you look like a monster!"

by calla25
Search the Neopian Times


"The Shape-Shifter's End" by purplepeggie
They were all talking excitedly. I figured they were probably the newbies' pets, being zapped for the first time. I recognized the Gelert, now half orange and half purple. "Split," I said, cutting into their conversation. "Not bad for the first time." The Gelert grinned eagerly. "Thanks!" she squeaked. "I was super scared, but it turned out super great, and now I'm super happy! My owner has been saving up for the Lab Ray Map for a super long time..."

Other Stories


Mutants Have Feelings Too
It's just... strange to be here. I mean, to be treated like a normal neopet instead of people pretending I don't exist or gawping at me like I've got three heads or something.

by tiptoeboo


Kougras & You
Welcome to my guide to Kougras, the best neopet ever!

by rythiel


Cerena's Song: Part Two
"Isn't she with you, Jeanine?" She searched my eyes as if expecting me to tell her that Cerena was indeed with me and that it were all a joke.

by btcomsa12


The Hero From Meridell: Part Three
Zamrin ducked back around the corner when he saw the space ship. Why were they here?

Also by bestpet21

by seuzy13


This Is A Random Comic
Vampire Wax Lips?

by mutantte


Unforseen issues with the newest color...

by thistledawn

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