Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Short Stories

Getting In

"Brynn!" Hanso whined again. "Slow down! These shoes are brand new, you know!"

by shade_the_great
500 Days

It took 500 days. 

500 days to change the world.

by partigirl2

Day of the 500

"It's going to be epic, sir!"

Also by master_blaster_aki

by tanikagillam

Dear Author

By the way, when does the next part come out?

by cpmtiger
The Five Hundredth Reason

Unfortunately, Ms. Sherwood didn't care that I didn't want to do it, because she assigned it anyway.

by chocolate_fudge7
Faerie Tale

The prince was supposed to have come long ago, but she didn't really care.

by mangoslittlecoco
Five Hundred Years

Suddenly, his mind reeled with an abrupt realization. Today was not just any ordinary day. Today was his five hundredth birthday.

by alex313
Stellania's Story

Amiaxa's tale has been heard by Neopia, but now it is time for the tale of Stellania...

by chestnuttiger787
The Amazing Dr. Wilbur and the Treasure of Five-hundred

Dear Dr. A.F. Wilbur,

Request your immediate assistance at NT HQ for most delicate and secret matter.

by shadyy15

No Fun, No Profit, and 500 Cans of Achyfi

The uniformed Blue Kacheek at the door smiled brightly. "Special delivery," he said.

by cookybananas324
The Start of a Bigger Story

The tempest tossed the sea mercilessly. The waves thrashed, the wind howled, the rain beat the ocean, the lightning crazily struck through the clouds, the thunder boomed and roared...

by thediractor
Always A Hero

The people of the Woods could always count on three constants that would never change. One: real Werelupes always had red eyes. Two: solving anagrams could be hazardous to your health. And three: Quintus McDooglie was completely insane.

by emilysusanburt
The Fall

Technically, I'm not a Werelupe yet. But I will be in about five minutes.

by dianacat777
Cut Me Open

I ran into Beck the other day when I was in Happy Valley.

by reggieman721

The white clouds drifted about the mountain tops on the high peaks of Shenkuu, while the little Kougra sat with her legs dangling off a ledge.

by pocketbearroo
The Travelling Newspaper

"Enter to hear tales of Weewoos, Chet Flash, Doctor Sloth, and many other astonishing things! Admission free of charge!"

by brilliantgrey
500 Ways to say 'I Love You'

Three words that we leave unsaid...

by prinessixi
We are Beings Lost in Shadow

"Here," she'd beckon gently to her sibling, and Aquialin would lean forward, hooves on the polished surface of wood. "Let me tell you of this world I just read about."

by helio2002

Charles Tracy slouched in his chair while his feet rested beside the brass nameplate on his desk. His tusks stuck out from underneath the brim of his lowered hat.

by tashni
Winter in June: An Ixi and Her Tale

Clearly this is not your average outing in the woods.

by inuyashalover37
How To Write

Jenna grabbed the rolled-up copy of the Neopian Times that sat on her doorstep. The blue Kacheek's eyes widened as she opened it up...

by sapphirekira
More than Words in the Water

"This is for you, Mother," she whispered. Picking up a lantern from her pack and lighting it, the Ogrin went into the cave.

by macana
The Pursuit of Knowledge

"Micaaaah! I don't want you to leeaaave!"

by breakingchains
The AstroVilla Heist

Five hundred neopoints a day, paid by every single customer.

by be2aware
Tales From Number Five: Legend of the Three

Most know him as the crazy Lupe who rants about a place called Jelly World, but he has seen many things in his long existence.

by rider_galbatorix
Five Hundred Years

Five hundred, is it? Five hundred at least, since I've become a Grey Faerie.

by pandora
The Waters of Home

Herrington had been so busy being congratulated by his family and laughing with his friends that it really hadn't sunk in that graduation meant leaving.

by bittersweet52
The Cursed Coffee of Qasala

The two were nearly inseparable, living on the same street and visiting each other quite often to go on... well, Gracie called them 'adventures', and Lucas called them 'things I should have never agreed to do'.

by sheik_30999
Search the Neopian Times


"Always A Hero" by emilysusanburt
McDooglie was a Krawk, though the term applied loosely as he was so old he resembled a Meridellian scarecrokabek with a back so stooped he was half the height of his youth. His left eye was concealed under copious wrinkles, while the right eye bulged unnaturally, so that if he turned towards you at the right angle you could swear he was sizing you up for a new recipe...

Other Stories


Celebrating the 500th: Why Write?
The fact is, being published in the newspaper has its merits for every kind of player...

by roboticc


A Great Godori Guide
With this guide, you can not only learn basic game play, but also become a master Godori player.

by terragainsborough


Sailing the Stars: Part Four
Meanwhile, on board Dr. Sloth's star-ship, a tall, blue Acara scanned the large star-littered blackness of space...

by bugsypal9


The Conundrum of Relations: Part Two
Con stared, slightly aghast. "Lit! What the...? Did you just kidnap me?"

by amb403


Furs Place - Weewoes

by pichu_pikachu_raichu


Neo Events - 500th issue
I've baked a cake to celebrate!

by ilovepuppies31

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