Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,618,584 Issue: 523 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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Short Stories

The Figurine

Bryn Fletching was a child of naught but six when she first discovered the small figurine. She remembered climbing the dusty ladder...

by twilit_shimmer
Celesity Cybunny's Celebration

A story about friendship and why you shouldn't judge people who are different and less fortunate than you.

by spushicat
One Mistake

"Because, Dal, I've already made two earlier today and received no offers. Clearly owners aren't coming to me, so I have to go to them," I explained, once again.

by allison_kitty11
Treasure at the Fairgrounds

No, she was here for one thing and one thing only: treasure.

by tywyll
As Simple As Hot Cocoa

"Would you like to create a pet today?" he asked me, no emotion in his face. I nodded eagerly, excited to finally have a pet to call my own!

by autumn_holidays
Hwinnie of the Deep

It's hard to leave someone you love.

by hwinn_neo
I Always Thought We Were Rich

Even though she spent a lot, I wasn't worried, because Jay always told us we had plenty of neopoints.

by 7_candy_girl_7
Bright Darkness

"...I still have to go there. I still have to be strong..."

And with that, she slowly got up.

by lux_aeterna1234

The Avinroos' Rooms

Lulu was just a little agitated. 

No, strike that. She was REALLY agitated.

by auraichadora

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My name is Willowbruk, although you may call me Willow, and I'm an explorer and treasure hunter! There's nothing I love better than to feel the hot sand of the Lost Desert beneath my paws, or the cool dirt of Geraptiku, or the springy grasses of Faerieland. See, I bet some of you are thinking, "What possible treasure is there to be found in Faerieland?" And that's what I'm here to show you today. So, without further ado, allow me to present: Willowbruk's Top Five Treasure-Hunting Destinations!

Other Stories


Top 7 Bands Ever
The best seven bands ever – the ones every Neopian must watch at least once.

Also by rafizi

by joohn_again


12 Best Ways Have Fun With Snow
Some people may groan and complain about the cold. Others may be indifferent about the changing seasons. Then you have the third group: those of us that cannot wait to run outside with our hats and mittens and dive right into a big pile of snow!

Also by babygirl122187

by luckyone121


A Renewed Hope: Part Three
"Janice," Ria said, sternly. "The more you struggle, the tighter they become. Only I can free you, and I will only do that if you promise to protect our city and defeat the Guardians."

by chimie119


Faerie Tales from After the Fall: Part One
All faeries, large and small, famous and unknown, were affected by the fall of Faerieland, and all have stories to tell about how they have adapted to their new home.

by mystie06


Xyra's Transformation#1-the new labrat

by pau_meow



by donte_10

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