Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,389,219 Issue: 553 | 13th day of Swimming, Y14
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Short Stories


Though Julie knew that her daughter and petpet shared a paint brush color, it looked entirely different on the two of them and it wasn't until things like this that she was unpleasantly reminded. She made it a point to forget. There were enough painful reminders as it was.

by hermione_890_neo
A Conversation Between Rivals

When Layton Vickles settled down at his table, in some nameless restaurant in Altador, he had no idea that anyone would be joining him. He eyed the menu and then dropped it in disgust.

by sima232005
Cheat! - The Game of Moral Bankruptcy

I couldn't quite tell you how I found myself in the alleyways of Neopia Central that disastrous eve.

by valdeceit
This Story Does Not Exist

"Guess that means that I'm going to have to go get someone to go shopping," she muttered to herself.

by ivy_knight
Willow the Unwanted Weeble

"I'm looking for the petpets that no one buys," the woman said.

by jessicanoel062094
LawyerBot Gets Sentimental

If you haven't been made fully and un-questioningly aware by now, I'm LawyerBot. You can find me around Neopia on any given day, protecting well-meaning citizens from, well, themselves.

by jocelyn_joy

"You know," Bel was saying, "I really don't know what to do. The Oasis doesn't have too many jobs."

by dragonstorm_75
Memories of a (Former) Friend

I remember the joy on my mother's face when my father brought home the paint brush and told her we could move underwater. I remember how cold the paint felt on my feathers...

by kykygilde
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"This Story Does Not Exist" by ivy_knight
Bucklan sighed loudly as she looked at the ingredients that her fridge contained, which was absolutely none. It was apparent that someone had gone for a midnight snack last night, which had quickly turned into a midnight feast rather than just a small snack. She shook her head and closed up the refrigerator, wondering...

Other Stories


Why Are Kadoaties So Picky?
The age old question "why are Kadoaties so picky?" is answered here!

by kat900


Putting the Band Back Together
Your Neopets don't know how to play? No problem! Neopia's bookstores carry guides on how to perform most every kind of music imaginable.

by peirigill


A Fallen Faerie - Fyora's Tear: Part Two
Two statues. One was an Ixi, arms held in front of himself, as to fend from an attack. The other. It was Xandra. Xandra! It couldn't be, though! But it was! It was her, but not her at all. She was about to leap, a deranged look on her face...

by epiclittleboss


Brothers in Wing: Part One
It's been years since the Battle for Meridell, but the war's after effects still linger on in the slums and markets of the Citadel.

by daa__petstorage


Shuzu and Tig in the office pt 1
Lots of work to do!

by firefriendsforever


Darigan Yooyu Blues
Can we get on with the game now?!

by yinna65

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