For an easier life Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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Short Stories

The Twelve Days of Giving

There is an ancient Meridellian tradition called 'The Twelve Days of Giving,' in which small gifts are exchanged between friends and family...

by mystie06
A Day of Giving Sandstorm

"I've celebrated so many Days of Giving in my life...." he sighed. "They all seem the same to me now."

by blackghoulmon

The door opened, releasing a tide of shining light into the darkened street, accompanied by the luxurious aroma of fresh cooking...

by d_morton
A Stealthy Christmas Operation

A mask of thick fog obscured all movements from prying eyes as two grim figures milled about in the room, an Elderly Ixi bearing the weight of old age, a young Ice Blumaroo's silhouette and another a hunched shadow, quiet and foreboding in the night.

by saint_carnage
Still Taking Care Of You

"Not again! No, don't leave me! Don't leave, please!" Anna screamed into the darkness.

by almedha
A Different Type of Present

"So," she finally says, breaking the silence, but not the tension, "do you think we'll be able to go to the Advent Calendar in two days?"

by snowflakesandfrost
Christmas Eve Patrol

Most neopets enjoyed the holiday season because of the goodwill and giving it seemed to inspire in people, but she was more practical... she enjoyed Christmastime because it meant less crime and therefore less work for her and the rest of the guards.

by microfilariae
What's Santa Claws?

"Santa's a robot."

by peronalodis
Snow Angels

"And out her little helpers went, bringing a white Christmas to pets on every continent. The Snow Faerie herself went to the most secluded and dangerous areas, leaving the pets to the cities and towns they knew well. By morning, every place in Neopia that could have snow was blanketed in it..."

by animetriplicate
Stand By Me

"I really just need a few more neopoints to finish buying some gifts!" Cev said.

At this, several customers behind the two pets snapped at him to get out of line.

by allison_kitty11

A Neovian Christmas Mystery

Neovia's #1 sleuth, Sherbolt Haven, is on the case to find missing Christmas presents.

by rock_star_megs
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Gift Giving Guide

Your Neohome is trimmed gracefully with garland, the trees outside sparkle with faerie lights and your hands are warmed by a mug of fresh borovan... You take a sip of that malty asparagus flavoured liquid paradise but almost spit it out as you realise that you've forgotten the most important of all The Day of Giving traditions! Gifts! Oh no! Well, dear festive spirit, never fear as I am here this year to guide you through the pleasure and process of selecting the most perfect gifts for your loved ones!

Other Stories


Holiday Shopping For a Bratty Little Neopet
Stumped what to give that terrible little terror for Christmas? Learn what toys will and won't work for them!

by kelexie


What's Your Favourite Neopian Tradition?
Neopia's traditions are as unique and diverse as its residents, so without further ado, take this quiz and find out which Neopian tradition best suits you!

by fireairshadow


Honor Among Thieves: Part Four
Stealing the proof they needed would be, as it turned out, far easier said than done. It would either be in Lady Marcia's apartment in the palace or the mage's rooms in the Mages' College. And both, to Marlos, sounded about as wise as throwing gold coins into the middle of the Sakhmet marketplace...

by saphira_27


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Three
The desert sands were harsh on Septimus's face, and the heat was doing him no favours either. For a man born and bred in Neopia Central, and having spent much of his adult life in the dark and dank cellars of the Museum, the desert was a shock to his system.

by herdygerdy


Santa's Secret Helpers, 3 of 4

Written by tmarks

by izzywizard


The Off Season: Company
"So, we heard the whole got-bitten-by-a-Werekyrii mishap left you a little lonely this season..."

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

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