Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,649,045 Issue: 581 | 8th day of Awakening, Y15
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Short Stories

The School Dance

"School Valentines Dance!" the poster said in a flashy heading. "This Friday. 6 to 9 PM in the cafeteria."

by goodsigns
Midnight Bloom

Nisalia sighed with relief. The seedling, called Midnight Bloom, she had been told, had been entrusted to her by the local village chief. It was said to have magical properties...

by lux_aeterna1234
Some Bonds are Never Broken

"My feet hurt. Are we there yet?"

by flames_unleashed
Only An Accident

Have you ever thought the world was out to get you?

by zoey_271996
The Evil of Carassa

The mutant Kougra cringed at the thought of having to tell a bedtime story to his younger sister. His owner had gone out for the night, and neither of his other two siblings were at home. And he had been left alone to watch the baby.

by spirit_wolf589
The Year Gone By

When Brynn saw the crowds gathering, her heart sank. If there was one thing about being a hero that she didn't like, it would have to be all the attention.

by ferroro
And Inbetween

They met for the last time in a coffee shop on the corner of Montmartre and First.

by vltava
Derrière Despair

If ever there was reason enough for a Valentine Day Paint Brush - this is it!

by carrotopian
Happy Vile Day!

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, Malkus Vile was on edge to come up with some way to make it vile and unpleasant for every Neopian...

by acantha263
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"Some Bonds are Never Broken" by flames_unleashed
"Harpier, my feet hurt. Are we there yet?" I dug my claws into the ice. It's just something about my little sister's voice that bugs me more than you would think. I turned around to look at her, my skinny black tail lashing the ground. "Well, Pacina, maybe you shouldn't have come. You're like, what, a week old? Should you really be travelling through the Ice Caves..."

Other Stories


Wings for Valentine's Day
Nothing says Valentine's Day like Cupid, so why not dress them up to resemble that loveable Cherub?

by mercy_angel


Will you be my Anti-Valentine? A Customization Guide
Our top 10 items for making a statement on this Anti-Valentines Day.

Also by plasticrose

by coco_bella


Jewel's Journal: Summer - Part Two
Dear Journal,

Things did get worse since my last entry.

Art by gelert548

by gelert548


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Nine
"He's quarantined," she said. "So is the whole ward he's on. Highly contagious, they are saying."

by herdygerdy


Just Sit
Flame is the worst Valentine...

by katopia12


The Breadmaster 4
Maybe the Breadmaster needs a vacation...

by toffeedatepudding

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