Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 191,000,213 Issue: 593 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y15
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Short Stories

A Yurble's Tail As Old As Time

"Lexi! Why don't we pretend to go and sleep now then we don't need to hear Grandma Yurble's boring stories?" Albert suggested.

by kitty_power_2298
The Forgotten Faerie

What is a space faerie without a time faerie?

by marauder_on_da_loose
Beneath the City

All the shops were closed for the night, and it appeared not a single Neopian was out in the late night storm. That is, aside from a solitary cloaked figure that slowly made its way down the empty road.

by allison_kitty11
Kreludan Recipes: Rocket Cookie

"I think there's something wrong with the book," she said, and to demonstrate, she pressed the button that read "Rocket Cookie."

by homersiliad
Our Stories

"Do you ever think pets are too simple?"

by gloomrain
Safety Deposit Box Scouts

Status, she printed precisely. No perceivable change. Still raining. Still windy. Still BORING.

by biscuitqueen
Dhaos The Grim

The tale of a newly-recruited Defender's first real mission.

by lux_aeterna1234
The Ghost in the Family

There were three things Senyora was truly certain of.

by pycrion
The Meeting

Just another day at the office.

by liouchan
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"The Meeting" by liouchan
Meeting room number six was not brand new, but it was spacious and comfortable. The morning sun shone through a wide bay window and lit up the polished wooden conference table. Padded chairs were placed evenly around the table, facing the whiteboard. There was even a small kitchen off to the side. The only thing that looked out of place was a young Ixi boy fast asleep on a small couch at the back of the room...

Other Stories


Neopian Milestones
Issue 600 of the Neopian Times is coming up quickly – what a milestone, and definitely worth celebrating! And there are plenty of other milestones around Neopia that are worth a pat on the back or a barrage of confetti.

by fantasyeyesuk


10 Reasons Why 20 Pets Should Be Enough!
It's not easy being the caretaker of up to twenty personalities...

by kissamus


The Puppeteer: Part Five
Ajuro had not been lying when he had boasted about sneaking in under the pets' noses. Kai watched from a cluster of trees as a blot of darkness detached itself from the shadow between two hills and melded with another.

by rachelindea


A Tale of Two Bori: Part One
She would never feel safe in the Ice Caves again. She had to leave it all behind.

by jjquil


Lawyerbot and the Dastardly Dung Design
Many a KeyQuester has often wondered...

by crystallus


Budding Trouble - Part 2
Thanks to the help chat for emptying their SDBs to get me items for those last three panels!

by jupebox

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