Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,897,787 Issue: 668 | 7th day of Storing, Y16
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Short Stories


The postman came to the house as if it were any ordinary day -- as if the fool had no idea how important a morning it was.

by phoenix_through_fire
Brightvale's Biggest Secret

I've discovered one of the darker secrets of the University and, rather than going ahead on my own, brought my dear sister, Amulatt, with me.

by skutterbotched
The Other University

For a moment, Gyro forgot to breathe. He stared at the parchment envelope in awe. He had been waiting for this letter for weeks.

by reiqua
Not So Lucky

Ah, fall. The weather grows colder, leaves change color and students scramble to prepare for university life. Brightvale University is by far the most popular choice.

by thedoggirl_97
Sunset in Brightvale

The sun was high, the Weewoos were singing; it was a beautiful day at Brightvale University.

by azienskieth
Teaching and Topiaries

"Whaaat?" Jhudora asked, feigning an innocence she certainly did not feel. She and the Faerie Queen were standing in her front garden, staring at a life-sized topiary of a Kau.

by vanessa1357924680

It is a fact widely acknowledged that Brightvale is one of the smartest places on the face of Neopia, and even beyond.

by herdygerdy
Usuki Singing Stars #21: Sparkles Gets Schooled

"I can't believe I'm actually here!" Sparkles gasped as she stared up at the tall, brick building in front of her.

by downrightdude

Terry woke in a room that was far too bright. He was just about to panic for having overslept, when he remembered that he was back home on holiday break, back in the middle of nowhere.

by swordlilly
Returning to Brightvale University

"It's from Brightvale University... I did my graduate studies there," Jacob explained.

by opossumman
Beyond Knowledge

Euan felt dizzy when he closed his beak.

by fairyxhearts
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Brightvale University Reading

The sharing of books is highly discouraged due to the fact that not every professor assigns the same text to be read, so reading someone else's book could cause it to disappear. As these books are somewhat expensive, like everything at college, please try to prevent that from happening. This is a guide to which books are needed for each major...

Other Stories


The Castle Battle
However, academics are not the only area of fierce competition. Both schools participate in a variety of sports, the most popular being Yooyuball.

by black_skull725


Sophisticated School Supplies!
It's a brand new semester at Brightvale University, and classes will be starting soon!

by indulgences


Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Ten
"Look at them. That one's slouching, and that one's leaning against the spell anchor. And that matte black armor is so they don't have to clean it regularly. Disgraceful. Even Sloth had more pride in the appearance of his soldiers."

by saphira_27


The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Four
Before I enter the abandoned shack, I circle it twice. Once I'm assured that it is, in fact, abandoned, I allow myself to enter.

by lizzy_beth_750551


The Floating Islanders: Brightvale University
You think that was bad, you should see Roo Island University; they don't even learn anything, just play games!

by yankeesrule244444456


(IN)SANE- Tica
Girls don't like it when you call 'em "Girly."

by rocksockgirl95

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