The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* |
Circulation: 194,421,304 |
Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19 |
Short Stories
| Terry’s Terrible Mood and The Awesome Incredible Day Yes, everything in Neopia was absolutely perfect, from the bright blue sky above to the deep green grass below. You would be hard pressed to find anything wrong today, and that was exactly the problem with it! Because everything was just ridiculously perfect…. except for Terry’s mood.
by kahlen369 | | A Witty Draik A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.
by keruza | | Of Silence: the Two Arts “Uhm... well, I play it, sometimes,” he eventually decides to admit, seeming overwhelmingly embarrassed to do so, his voice hushed to a whisper. Honestly, him saying that he plays it "sometimes" is a gross understatement, but he would never admit that to Kanrik. Yet, at least. “I’ve, uh... Playing the violin is something I’ve done since I was a child.”
by theschizophrenicpunk | | The Dark Adventure Mena nervously looked at the window - she would have to was her only option. She looked at her wings, torn from the earlier battle against the dark faerie. There was no way she'd be able to fly her way out but it was her only option. That was her escape.
Also by admonisher and thesecretiveonetwo
by sanamm |
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Search the Neopian Times
Motley Pets Into Families
For those of us who own 20 pets, in all different colors and species, what are some ways of making our pets look like they're in cohesive families? I decided to ask the Neoboards for their own tips and tricks, and it was really fun to chat with my fellow players!
So here are our biggest tips for turning our motley pets into actual families! I hope you enjoy reading them, because it was really fun to gather them!
Other Stories
Inside the Neopian History: Jhudora Jhudora is one of the most feared faeries in all Faerieland. Her purple and bright green clothes, her fierce and dark eyes, and the enormous castle above a bluff that she calls “home”, where she lives with her two scary bodyguards, Sarah and Daisy: all of those things contribute in creating an intimidating image. But, what do we, Neopians, really know about her?
by maga_m |
The Perils of Chocolate Pet Ownership To many Neopians, that sounds like a deliciously decadent sweet treat. To chocolate pet owners, the thought brings horrified tears. With Valentine’s day fast approaching, it’s time to discuss the perils of Chocolate pet ownership.
Also by blackroseofwisdom
by djleclair |
One Way Out: Part Six Chosek stared at the hand of the compass, which was enthusiastically pointing off towards the window. After a long day of traveling, he was tired and couldn’t possibly follow the advice of such a perplexing device. It was clear by now that it’s only purpose was to lead them to certain doom.
by the_wingless_unknown |
Southward Bound: Part Four “Well, I could wish Furgles the Luckiest Babaa was here. There is a way to detach the artefact, and this device has hinted at how to reverse what it did, but there is one small problem in reversing it.”
by kaioti |