Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,354,468 Issue: 845 | 26th day of Collecting, Y20
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Short Stories

Brain Tree’s origin.

The questions of this enigmatic tree have been answered by many neopians but…how did it turn into a brain tree? Here’s the story:

by jacquelineramrez
Fright Show (For the Halloween issue)

It's a cold October evening. The leaves are falling in front of you. You're walking the same path you've traveled before except something is different.

by wickedsadgirl
The Spirit of the Haunted Woods

“I promise you that there is no need to worry about our new guest here, Lugus. He should pose no concern to the court nor the king nor any and all the people of Altador, I can assure you!”

by breadlad
Nothing is Scarier than a Halloween Brat

It was Halloween night, and Walda the Baby Kacheek was sitting at home with a glum expression on her face. While her friends were out trick-or-treating, she was being punished for misbehavior which may or may not have included a chocolate-induced sugar rush. “Grounded on Halloween!” she exclaimed to herself. “This stinks!”

by _brainchild_
Have an Ice Halloween!

It was Halloween on Terror Mountain.

Well, it was Halloween everywhere, of course, but the point is, our story begins on Terror Mountain. Snow-covered jack-o-lanterns were displayed outside each house, and all the trick-or-treaters were trying to figure out how to make their costumes look good over warm coats and hats.

by cruthmac

Search the Neopian Times


How to throw the BEST Halloween Party!

It that time of year again! When October 31st rolls around on the calendar, it’s time to break out the spooky costumes, the gory decorations, and bowls of tasty treats! I’ve compiled a list of the best items around Neopia to throw the spookiest Halloween party ever! The trick to creating the best party is setting the atmosphere. What is it you’re trying to accomplish? Do you want to be known as the family friendly atmosphere for all ages? Or how about the most stylish Neohome that the Neopian Times raves about the next day? Or be known as THE scariest Neohome on the block where little ones cry about having to walk past? Whichever you decide, be sure to start off your planning by selecting a theme, and from there you can plan the rest of your ideas and decorations around it. Send out your invitations ASAP because Halloween is just around the corner! Of the three themes I suggested above, I’ve compiled a list of the items from the ‘Spooky Furniture’ store located in the Haunted Woods that could be used for each one. Since I don’t know what your Neohome looks like, I leave the setting and placement up to you!

Other Stories


8 Spooky Foods to Pack to Your Halloween Picnic
It’s the time of the year again - when the skies set a few hues darker and the air feels heavier as ghosts and ghouls come out to roam the streets of Neopia. Yes, it’s time for Halloween!

Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

by breakeven


How to throw the BEST Halloween Party!
It that time of year again! When October 31st rolls around on the calendar, it’s time to break out the spooky costumes, the gory decorations, and bowls of tasty treats! I’ve compiled a list of the best items around Neopia to throw the spookiest Halloween party ever!

by lauren92_k


Hello Fellow Traveler:Part Four
Later that night, all the Neopians of the growing community came together to put up the festival decorations. Small stalls that sold food, items, and had games appeared all around the area. Dark red ribbons hung from trees and torches were placed down the paths to light the way. Dozens of flowers were placed along the ribbons, letting petals float through the air. Some Neopians carved instruments out of spare wood, and started playing music.

by trishabeakens


The Princess and the Crook:Part Six
I woke up in a cosy bed, sunshine rays dancing on my closed eyelids. A cool breeze was caressing my skin and messing with my hair. « Such a peaceful atmosphere… »

by chlo26


This Pie Tastes of Tears
Life dwindling slowly..

by umbrex


Pumpkin Carving
Is that thing alive?!

by trishabeakens

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