Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 195,530,000 Issue: 859 | 15th day of Running, Y21
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Short Stories

Reginald Acorn's Case 3 : Treasure

Reginald's adventures as a detective !

by dtrg
Rohane's Adventures in Neopia

Rohane tried to mask his excitement as his mother pressed the sword into his hands. All his life he’d been safely harboured in the village, and now the time had come to venture forth and clear the land of the monsters that had made themselves far too comfortable.

by sarahnyy051
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"Rohane's Adventures in Neopia " by sarahnyy051
Rohane tried to mask his excitement as his mother pressed the sword into his hands. All his life he’d been safely harboured in the village, and now the time had come to venture forth and clear the land of the monsters that had made themselves far too comfortable. He looked at the blade she’d given him. It didn’t look like much, but he could tell it weighed more that it seemed, and he could see that weight reflected in his mother’s eyes, now starting to brim with tears. ‘Be careful, son. That’s your father’s sword, and I know he would have wanted you to have it. Now, I can feel as though he’s out there with you.’ Rohane hugged her tightly, and tried to summon up as much courage as he felt he should possess as he said ‘I’ll make you both proud.’ In truth, he’d never even held a wooden sword, let alone this gleaming and honourable one. He imagined the battles his father had fought with it, and tried to seep some of the strength from its aged blade. ‘I’ll see you soon, I promise,’ he reassured his mother, and willed himself to believe it. A small crowd had gathered at the gate. Well-wishers and curious villagers, but he felt the pressure of them all to restore their once-beautiful home to its former glory. He gave them a smile as dashing as he could muster, and strode out into the wild.As soon as the gate closed he let out the sigh he’d been suppressing, and let it swallow up all his imagined bravery.

Other Stories


Nightly Neovian: Dark Times Ahead?
[Transcript from The Nightly Neovians broadcast of “Tea with Hadington”]

by kaddisti


Luck Around the World
This month of Running, we are feeling extra (un)lucky! There are a number of games and luck-based activities you can try, free and at a cost. To help point you in the right direction, we breakdown some of the best-known activities and games, talk about the upside/prizes, and whether it’s worth playing or not.

Also by kiwigoddesskimmie

by trubiekatie


Searching a place:Part Six
Chapter 6. New Plans, Shenkuu and The Virtupets Space Station.

by nacil30


Shadow Play:Part Four
Terra woke up rather later than she would have liked, but given what had happened last night, she would allow herself all the sleep she needed. Blynn was not in her bed, but the girls’ luggage had been brought into their room.

by cosmicfire918


Nice to, uh, meet you!
drops down to stare

by aweber


Blossoms~ Games Night Part 2
I'll show you!

by twillieblossom

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