A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 920 | 13th day of Storing, Y22
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Short Stories

The Best Gift Ever

One Neopian struggles to celebrate the birthday of Neopia. Collab with quigglebaby and eggfruit

by carmyyyyy
The Normal

Saskori the monster tamer Cybunny decides to explore a haunted house rumoured to reveal your worst fears!

by june_scarlet
Caught Between Surprises

Kayla and Lisha plan a surprise birthday party for Serian’s birthday!

by parody_ham
The Fatherhood Letters

Reuben seeks to quell his anxieties about becoming a father in a series of letters to his brother Rohane.

by precious_katuch14
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"The Best Gift Ever" by carmyyyyy
It was late afternoon, but the sunlight was still coming through the glass windows of the Uni’s Clothing Shop. Neopians were lucky to have such warm and sunny weather on that day. “Good afternoon, Ma’am!” Farrah, the shopkeeper, quickly greeted Anya right after she entered the store. “Oh… and where are my manners?” Farrah blushed for a moment. ”Happy Neopia Day!” said Farrah, while flashing a big smile. “Afternoon.” After heavily sighing, that was all that Anya replied. Anya figured that the shopkeeper might have thought she was being unexpectedly rude and moody, but Anya knew her for a long time now and didn’t care that much. Actually, it was more than “not caring”...

Other Stories


Having a Hoot: The Vandagyre Way
The Vandagyre were released during the 15th year birthday celebrations, so let's celebrate vandagyre day and neopets' birthday together!

by roxi2rox


Five Great Celebration Ideas
Various ways we can celebrate this special occasion!

by cuchatenador


Mira Squad Tales-Portals
The thrilling conclusion to Mira Squad Tales-Portals!

by lupe_hunter_7


The Coffee Tavern: Beginnings
A small town Neovian coffee shop on the brink of failure tries risky, new recipes from a lost Meridellan boy.

by cyberfall


BLACKOUT with a Vengeance - Part 6
Home at last...

by shellshocks


Blossoms~ The Talk Epilogue
"...the confidentiality of any and all information disclosed to Queen Fyora..."

by twillieblossom

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