For an easier life Circulation: 102,975,150 Issue: 203 | 12th day of Hiding, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Eating pets and/or petpets is cannibalism. You don’t see pets and petpets eating humans (with the exception of meepits. I don’t trust those things...).

What Not to Do at Kelp

Kelp—a five-star, gourmet, exquisite, restaurant at the bottom of New Maraqua. It is said that the food is quite nice and the service is excellent. I have recently built a neohome in Maraqua, only a few blocks away from it. I enjoy nice food at fine restaurants. When I read that a new place called “Kelp” opened up, I was excited to pay it a visit...

It's All About the Flies

What could be more enjoyable then eating all those flies and bees and occasionally a lily or two? Well, it may not seem as appealing as you think, but it is well worth it! Flycatcher, in my opinion, is one of the best games Neopets has come out with. I hear a lot of people have trouble with this game but it isn't really that hard...

Meet the Maraquans

Miraculous, astounding, beautiful, and bizarre are all words that could be used to describe Maraqua. Ever since it has opened to the public it has been constantly growing and changing, due to all the Neopians flocking to it to spend their summer vacation...

Other Stories
"Beginning of it All: Thirty Minutes Past Ten O'Clock" by humblely and hottamale0774
"My name's Mikey! I'm a baby Kougra. I want to be just like Jeran when I grow up. See, this is Jeran! Mommy said she would buy me this shirt before she said that she was sending me here so she could get a night's worth of sleep. I don't know what that means, but Mommy..."

"Faerie Storm" by just_waiting
Strident voices surrounded the palace in Faerieland, echoing off the towers and making their way through the clouds. Earth Faeries were arguing with Water Faeries because the grass and flowers were browning from a lack of water. Fire Faeries were angry with Air Faeries because of the winds that disrupted their flames...

"Past Prosperity" by lytening10
I’m sorry. I almost forgot to introduce myself. As I said, I don’t get many visitors anymore. It sometimes slips my mind. I’m TDMBGPOP. But you can just call me Pop. My name used to stand for The Dearest Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity. It now stands for The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity...

Rumble, Rumble, ... Zap?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Magma Blaster
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Simply Sane
Mwahahaha! ... ahem.

by lament_of_solitude


A Guide to Protecting Your Petpet from Petpet Eaters
I have complied a list of all the potential petpet eaters, and ways to keep your petpet safe from them. These are the most prominent predators, and there are of course many others.

by jeminite


Uni's Scorn
Aww! You are so cute!!

by jjuulliiee43


Anthro Antics
Lions, Tigers, and Fangirls....oh my!

by mekimoki


Snowager Challenge #2
Snowager is so cool.

by firefree_girl

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