| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
You will find, if ever you are surrounded by darkness, that as long as you carry even a tea-light candle, you will be filled with hope, and feel you have at least one friend beside you.
Bumble Beaming
Oh no! The Robot Petpets have been wandering around and are now lost in the Recycling Centre! YOUR goal is to save as many of these wayward petpets as you can by maneuvering them on several beams in an effort to place them in recycling bins. As you progress further in the game, your margin of error will have to decrease because of limited resources and rusty equipment. Petpets that aren't saved will be... |
Humbling Hubrid
Hubrid's Hero Heist is one of the least played flash games in Neopia. Personally I can't understand why. Then again, I'm also not sure what it is about this game that makes me so happy. It might be the 3000 neopoints I make from it every day, it might be that I like eating, or it might be because I like miniatures (the bad guys are so cute when you shrink them!). If you've never played Hubrid's Hero Heist... |
 | Sleep Like a Dream!
If you have a bad, uncomfortable bed, then you will have bad sleep, which will make you cranky in the morning. If you have a nice and comfortable bed, then you will most likely wake up cheerful and ready to go. Therefore, I've compiled a list of beds that you should have in your Neohome and beds that you shouldn't have in your Neohome. Heed these lists very carefully because it just might make your night a dream come true... |
Other Stories |
"The Un-Surprise Party" by qazx301 She had to be planning a surprise party! "I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties. I knew that with most of them, your owner spends a lot of neopoints, hoping to make up for not consulting you. All I had to do was hint her in the right direction, and it would be really, really huge. "I'm not a fan of scary surprises, but I like fun ones, like Puppyblews, or parties..." |
"Rupert's First Mission" by puffpastry654 "Who do you think you are, soldier, coming in here with the slightest bit of heed for presentation? Your helmet is lopsided, your boots are caked with mud, and part of your harness is not properly secured. You’re not working on the farm anymore, sonny; this is war! War, I tell you!" His fellow Mootix all gave him sympathetic glances, but, truthfully, they were just glad it was him and not them being humiliated... |
"Never Ever Forget Me" by sonictheonlyhedgehog Kentari was about halfway finished with moving everything to a small room in the back of his shop. As he was pushing a box across the floor, something under the counter caught his eye. Dang! I missed something, he thought to himself. Getting on his knees, he crawled under the counter in hopes of retrieving it. It was incredibly dusty in the small space, and Kentari sneezed at least three times before... |
 | Yooyu Better Get Going This week's issue is brought to you by: Crisis Courier |
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Never Ever Forget Me Kentari was whistling as he finished polishing the blade of a lightweight katana. Satisfied, the Shoyru grinned and held it up at arm's length, admiring the silver blade as it reflected the early-morning light...
by sonictheonlyhedgehog |