Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,958,008 Issue: 352 | 24th day of Swimming, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Don't tell your pet that they'll never win. Unless of course, you've been tied with ropes or locked in a cage, in which case it's only proper etiquette.

Mind Boggling!

You want to be able to solve the next Lenny Conundrum and win that trophy, right? Well, the only way to do that is to work that brain and get it back in shape! But how, you say? I'm all the way up in the Space Station, or isolated on Roo Island without a ferry back to Neopia Central in sight. I can't help it if my brain is out of practice! Well, that's where you'd be mistaken! No matter where you are in Neopia, there is no lack of brain-teasers, puzzles, and math problems for you to enjoy. There are probably as many as there are places in Neopia to go to!

The Perfect Petpet

As you may have noticed, Neopets do not come with their own Petpet automatically. You have to choose which one to buy for him or her. But which Petpet should you get for your Neopet? You want to find a perfect little companion, one that your Neopet will treasure. The Petpet will have to be fed, groomed and played with by your Neopet, not you, so it will have to inspire loyalty and a protective instinct into him or her. It should also have a least a few things in common with your Neopet, so that they have a good chance of forming a deep and permanent bond...

Why Baby Pets Rock

You can brag about how you met Boochi. Plenty of pets want to see Boochi, right? Well now your pet can tell them about their encounter with the famous zapping baby. Tell them how he rounded the corner and aimed his gun at them, causing their owner (you) to have a heart attack and fall off their chair, barely managing to take a screenie so they could brag. And your pet could always twist the story so that Boochi kidnapped them, zapped them baby, then...

Other Stories
"Oh To Be Beautiful!" by pippin_me
He strived to make more neopoints only to feed me, and I ate more foreign and exotic foods. Then he vanished. For almost a month I waited in our almost bare neohome for his return. I'd lay my huge Acara head on my yellow paws and watch the door awaiting his key to turn in the lock. It wasn't that I was stuck inside the house, not at all, it was just that...

"An Apple A Day Keeps Nothing Away" by tigerpaw_01
The Lupe nodded with satisfaction, and with a wave of his paw, dismissed the workers for the day as he disappeared inside the shop. Not one worker seemed to notice that within one of the crates in the last row, bottom left corner, one of the apples was moving, and grumbling about the lack of attention spans some Neopians have...

"A Short Tale" by jayandcourtneyk
"Aw c'mon, guys, will you please please please let me play volleyball with you?" Raven extended his scrawny arms to try and hit the volleyball when it was intercepted by his sister. He was a Mutant Korbat, and somehow irregularly shorter than the average Korbat height. At the moment, four of his family members were playing two-on-two volleyball outdoors...

Decide and Conquer

This week's issue is brought to you by: Invasion of Meridell
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