Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,178,655 Issue: 371 | 12th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Spider Grundo very sleepy, but he know that if he just slink off to sleep in his cave of horrors without weaving his nightly web, he will wake up with no breakfast wiggling around in that web. And Spider Grundo always eat his breakfast. It most important meal of the day.

Celebrity Showdowns

There's nothing more entertaining than watching a good rivalry unfold. The NeoFamous (or rather, Infamous) have more than their share of the squabbles. And to say squabbles is definitely understating some of these epic feuds. We've already seen some of these rivals battle it out, but what about the others? Or the next time? As they would say, they've lost the battle...

Quests: The Truth

We all know about our best friends the faeries, how they always ask for items and promise rewards for our troubles. Well, continue on, readers, for I shall now tell you the true story about these quests. We all know that they ask for extremely odd items such as teddy bears and trading cards, but what do they really do with them? My sources have confided in me that the...

Life under Dr. Sloth

Almost every Neopet can tell the story of how Dr. Sloth almost managed to enslave Neopia. Many Grundos suffered at his hands, forced to work long hours in the bowels of the space station. The choice was simple – help Dr. Sloth achieve his evil ends or become a victim of his mysterious experiments.I was one of the Grundos who Dr. Sloth enslaved. Nowadays, my name is Lamertera. I was adopted by a loving owner not long ago. But back in the days of Dr. Sloth I was simply called Worker...

Other Stories
"Thieves of the Fairground" by hotchick859
"Oh dear, looks like ya missed. A shame, it is." The Quiggle feigned a sadness that fooled no one. The Pteri scuttled away before she could be persuaded to play again. A burly looking Lupe took her place. The Lupe paid the fee and threw the ball, but to no avail. The coconut shifted slightly but did not fall. "Well, at least you get half o yer money back!"

"Dubloon Disaster Shenanigans" by larkspurlane
Suddenly, as more and more mines were closing their spiked circle around him, Dorak had his epiphany. "Wait a second," he exclaimed, "how are these mines even floating?!" And the whole world of Neopia actually waited a second to contemplate this. Then all of the mines surrounding Dorak's boat spontaneously became sentient entities and...

"The Watcher's Dilemma" by kittygirl5170
As he walked down the streets of his small hometown, he realized how much the town had changed since he had left. When he had left to go to school in Sakhmet, Luhorza had been full of trash, and the buildings had been falling apart. When one became too ruined to use, the inhabitants would simply move to one of the more famous cities in the...

Presents All Month Long!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Advent Calendar
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Great stories!


Suspicious, eh?

by _p_e_t_l_o_v_e_r_


Stuff in Neopia
Just a little more...

by lightgiver12345


The Yurble Farmer's New Recruits

Idea by achdut

by sliferosiru


Starry Stuff
The White Weewoo came and...

by marilltachiquin


Lupe Ears and Gelert Tales
T'was days before X-mas...

by meadoew

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