Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 181,174,633 Issue: 433 | 5th day of Running, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Sherry decided to cut a few things from her everyday budget. Those few things include the beloved garden in the glade we lived in (she was going to sell the flowers), our funding to move to Brightvale, and, lastly, me.

Paint Brushes for Villains

Paint brushes afford aspiring villains a perfect opportunity to acquire some minions! Just add a couple thousand neopoints, a handful of loyal (or unsuspecting) followers, and a secretive nighttime trip to the Rainbow Pool and tada! You've got some servants! The difficult part is selecting just which paint brush to use. To accomplish this, one needs to ask oneself, "What attributes do I value in a servant?" Stealth? Power? Controllability? Inconspicuousness? Whichever you select, there is...

Bowls Like Royalty

What better way to relax after a nice plate of rare, expensive food than a game of bowls. We don't mean bowling either; that game has no finesse, no skill. We mean bowls! Gourmet Club Bowls is a quite an easy game to play and a personal favorite of mine, but I have to admit it's quite hard to score too many NP when you're just starting. The basic objective of the game is that you (the cute Blue Cybunny) have to throw your bowls (red balls) close to the jack, which is the white ball...

A Guide to Guild-Leading

Imagine this: You're browsing through the guild board, trying to get members to your guild, and you constantly see ads for amazing guilds with hundreds of members. You're jealous beyond belief, and you want your guild to be like that, right? Well, now it can be. Just follow these fifteen simple tips, and you'll be on your way to guild-leading success in no time...

Other Stories
"The Shadow Mirror" by luna4400
Soon, after walking for fifteen more minutes in the nice warm sunshine, they reached their friend's house. "Hey, guys," Zachary greeted them. Zach was a blue Lenny and he and his grandpa were the ones having the yard sale. Tables and tables of random items covered his front yard, most of the things looking like they belonged to Zach's grandpa...

"Tripwire" by lupe_hunter_7
I turned around and saw a thief, a Camouflage Blumaroo, running away from the scene of the crime with a Bronze Scorchstone in his hands. There was no way that I could catch up with the thief because he had an insurmountable lead over me. Seeing that there was no other option for me to catch the thief, I threw the only thing that was in my hand: the Jade Staff...

"Unreality" by blizard131
James walked over very calmly. He never got excited or agitated, always as calm as could be. He didn't even attempt to help me up, just stood there, glancing down at me. As I struggled to get up, he looked me straight in the eyes, and asked, "What have you got to say for yourself." Simple. Calm. Just like that. It hardly seemed to be a question, more like a...

Style With A Smile!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Grooming Parlour
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Great stories!


The Shadow Mirror
"So if I took a bat and whacked the Great Turmaculus, do you think he'd wake up?" Ello asked. The pink Faellie got a wide grin on her face.

by luna4400


Goldrun, Revisited: Part Four
"We need to speak to your father; Jonas has escaped and is in the mountains," Ellie explained.

by herdygerdy


Neopian Life
Neezles? Itchy Scratchies?

by kaiyo_uchiha


Just Crazy
It's funny, because... Like, he's an Aisha, but he thinks he isn't... And...

by empoleon07


Watch Your Back

by 0turtle

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