Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 0 Issue: 491 | 22nd day of Eating, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Revenge is alright when chocolate and cream are involved.

Negg Faerie's Apprentice

Much to my surprise, it wasn't Kari I found manning the Neggery one fine afternoon in the month of Eating, but a new, younger faerie I had never seen before. She refused to tell me her name (as the names of faeries have a special power), but after a lengthy conversation, I did learn some interesting things about the way the world of faeries, and Negg faeries in particular, works. You see, this blue-haired fill-in is what's called an "apprentice" in the faerie world...

The Kelp Experience

Sometimes, being a ghost has its distinct advantages. In my capacity as a reporter, my deceased state has come in handy on a number of occasions. Now, as I drift serenely through the splendid underwater city of Maraqua, surrounded by colourful plant life and elegant marine petpets, I am entirely grateful for the fact that I do not have to breathe. This extra special "talent" of mine has permitted me the honour of profiling Neopia's most high-end and fashionable restaurant...

Underrated Neopoint Wearables

For some of us it's a casual pursuit and for others it's the main reason they play the game, but almost all of us customize to some degree. Despite the wide number of users who customize their pets, some items that are incredibly useful for a well-thought out customization simply get no love at all! With that in mind, Fuz (sinistrous) and I have scoured Neopia to bring you the most useful and under-rated wearables...

Other Stories
"The Baker's Girl" by crazy_holly_ii
Her owner wanted to move. She did not. So they'd parted ways, each one looking for a new beginning. Everyone assumed beginnings came from out of nowhere, she mused as she walked down the gravelly lane. But they didn't. They came from something else ending, when that ending forced a new path of action...

"Of Spyders, Soup, and Silliness" by mystie06
Adelaide, known to most of Neopia as the Soup Faerie, stood in the kitchen of her cauldron-shaped house, stirring a large cauldron of soup. She still had some time before the next wave of pets showed up, so she was trying to perfect a new soup recipe. Just as she was adding the last ingredient she heard the front door...

"Within the Games" by yoshifan272
"Why did you fall? You were doing so well!" Now, what you need to know about Marine is that she is a true gamer who enjoys a good video game. Marine is always in the search for a challenge. She’s a tom-boy who loves adventures. What’s so new about the Zafara? As she started a new game, a Blumaroo named AAA walked by...

Treasures From The Sea

This week's issue is brought to you by: Collectable Sea Shells
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The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Seven
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