Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 528 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Okay then, Dr. Sloth. Let's start with the basics. How long have you wanted to conquer Neopia?

A Special Sloth Day

Can you believe it has already been a whole year? Get ready, Neopians, as it is everyone's favorite holiday. The 14th day of Sleeping marks the annual entertaining and widely-celebrated day known as Sloth Appreciation Day. This day is dedicated to the one, the only, Dr. Sloth himself! This day is in celebration of everything good, bad, and ugly to do with the wise and powerful Dr. Sloth. I suggest you...

Taking Over Neopia

The Darkest Faerie, Dr. Sloth, Xandra, all have made at least one attempt to conquer Neopia which failed miserably. Having reviewed what documentation I could find about their attempts at Neopian conquest, I put together the following article, which should help would-be rulers of Neopia to avoid some of the more common mistakes made by those whose failed attempts at Neopian domination...

Coping with Hoarding: SDB

I am a safety deposit box hoarder. I never started out that way. When I was a young Neopian, all I ever wanted was that SDB avatar. After I finally got it, my neo-life spiraled out of control. My safety deposit box just kept growing larger and larger, until it was at an uncontrollable rate. Not anymore, though! Now my safety deposit box is back on track, and with a few simple tips, I can help you clear out yours...

Other Stories
"The Life of an Unemployed Pirate" by scribe1020
Benny took the last swig of his grog and slammed the mug down on the counter, sliding it over to the shopkeeper. The Yurble behind the counter took out a jar of Grog and refilled the mug. "That'd be another 50 Neopoints, sir," the shopkeeper said, sliding it back to him. Benny caught the mug and stared down into it for a long time, then looked up and gave the shopkeeper a stern glare. "What was that?"

"The Sorceress's Choice" by erroro and princesspesa98
Xandra muttered, surveying her surroundings and frowning. Of course, she had been aiming for the Hidden Tower, but she had somehow had ended up in Fyora's own garden. The courtyard had been the place where she had enjoyed sun filled days sitting on the lush grass reading of all the tales of faerie heroics. She had always admired their grace, beauty, and power. Now all she wanted...

"A Day of Appreciation" by cyber1ofkakoradesert
"Soon, my birthday will be celebrated again!" Sloth chuckled to himself. "I have dubbed it, 'Sloth Appreciation Day', for it is a day of me!" He sat back in his favourite chair, millions of ideas running through his evil head. The least evil idea in his head was the flavor of birthday cake he would like this year. He loved black forest cake; he always had one set aside for himself on his special day...

Try The Fun Lever of Doom!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Dr. Sloth Appreciation Society
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Coping with Hoarding; SDB Clean Outs
My safety deposit box is back on track, and with a few simple tips, I can help you clear out yours.

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Invasion of Baby Buzzes
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Locked Comics: Snowball Fight Part 2
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Tylus wants a Petpet, now!
Will Tylus prove himself worthy of a Petpet?

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