Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,623,805 Issue: 781 | 12th day of Hunting, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

As they walked through the autumn rain, he felt very fortunate indeed to be surrounded by loving family and friends, and to serve them as their king. All was right, and with all of them working together and looking out for each other, he felt no curse could ever touch them again.

Respecting Tyrannian Culture

Tyrannian Victory Day is just around the corner, which makes it the perfect time to consider how each of us is influenced by the Tyrannian lifestyle. Since the fall of the Monoceraptor so many years ago, Tyrannia has become an essential part of Neopia. From the Concert Hall to the Wheel of Monotony, Neopians from all corners benefit from the great strides made by Tyrannians.

Trip to Tyrannian Plateau

I decided to venture into the Plateau to experience the culture, the tastes, and the sites of Tyrannia. The streets were crowded, there was a line into everything, and every Tyrannian seemed to have a smile on their face. I had a list of tourist things to do that was recommended by a friend, but in the moment I ripped it in half. If I wanted to experience the Plateau firsthand, I had to do it like a local.

Tyrannian Dress Up

This is a day that we gather together and mourn those who were lost in the great war and that we celebrate those who were able to take down the terrible forces. This war happened many, many years ago and young Neopians today don't seem to know much about this terrible time. Before we dive into the tremendous ways to dress yourself up, I wanted to give you a brief history lesson!

Other Stories
"The Untold Story of Tyrannian Victory Day" by applebella
May 10th will go down in history as the day Tyrannia emerged victorious from a battle that compromised it as a land entirely. The story goes that a courageous Lupe is responsible for the defeat of the evil Monoceraptor and subsequent security and victory of our land. That’s great and all, but I’ll let you in on a little secret - he’s not the only one who was there. I can’t say I blame the historian; everyone loves a good battle story with the main character exerting incredible bravery and fortitude. I kept my story inside for a long time - coming up on sixteen years on Wednesday (the anniversary of this holiday), but I am happy to say that my story will no longer be a secret. My name is Ug-Ha-Ag-Un but my friends call me Kate. I grew up on the plateau with my parents and three big brothers, selling handmade weapons in my dad’s shop. Coming from this type of family, I learned to use these weapons at a young age - my brothers used to ambush me at school to teach me to “always be prepared”, for example. Although it was expected that I was to grow up to be a lady, learning to cook traditional Tyrannian food and raise a beautiful family, I constantly looked up to my brothers and father, seeing what amazing tools they made and how agile they were in wielding them. My brother even won the national tournament in the Ugga Dome three years in a row! In my spare time, between sewing and cooking classes and learning to read, I would sneak down to the weaponry shop and practice my skills, hoping to one day be as ferocious as my brothers. I bet you know where I’m going with this, but let me just say it all paid off.

"Eliv Thade. Wasn't Always a Bad Guy. ...Right?" by almightynyx
"You know, I bet Eliv Thade isn’t even that bad of a guy.” Schyff, a blue Hissi, choked on the ghost pizza slice he was happily eating moments prior, however that may be possible. After a bit of hacking and coughing, he shot a confused look at the red Xweetok. “Yottir, are you crazy? The guy’s gone mad. No Neopet I’ve ever met knows what he was like when he was normal. If he ever was.” Yottir frowned and poked unhappily at his eyeball custard. After a sigh, he mumbled in argument, “But I’m sure he was just an innocent Kacheek before. I mean look how sweet those things are! They wouldn’t hurt a fly. They chase butterflies for crying out loud.” Schyff rolled his eyes. “Well if you’re so sure about that, why don’t you just go and ask him? It’s not like he ever lets his guests leave.” The Hissi began to chuckle at his own joke, but the strange look the Xweetok was giving him nearly made him choke on his own laugh. “Don’t even think abou—“ “You know that’s not a bad idea. Maybe I will!” Yottir jumped up from the table nearly knocking over his custard, catching it just in the nick of time. An eyeball from it, however, rolled out onto the table. He frowned at it in mere disappointment for a moment (for that was always his favourite part) before looking back up to Schyff. “If no one else knows, maybe I could find out. He could just be lonely in there, that’s why he doesn’t let people leave!” “Are you CRAZY? Mom would never allow that! If I were to let you go she’d probably send me to the pound.” At this point Schyff was also getting out of his chair, though not without finishing off his pizza slice. “Well she doesn’t have to know. And you’re not stopping me, I’m going whether you like it or not."

"We Are the Waiting" by lithoxide
The dirt crunched under his feet with every step he took as he sauntered down the deserted boulevard. He was the only soul in existence, as far as he could tell, as it seemed as if the entire city around him became vacant in an instant. No matter where Aesunil looked, every building was emptied and every street corner was abandoned. Every place where another Neopet could be was void of any signs of life. He was the last one remaining in this town, a town that seemed lackluster compared to its former glory. And how he wished that it could just disappear from before his very eyes. Aesunil gazed up at the moon, bright and stark against the midnight sky, as a chill wind picked up, sending a shiver down his spine. He drew his coat tighter around his body. Although he was a Zafara, his bright blue fur was not enough to keep his body warm during the freezing night. Steadily, despite shivering slightly, he continued marching on, examining his environment to see what had become of his city.What had happened here, he wondered, as he gazed upon the remnants of a once bustling town. The shops that displayed various goods in their windows now lay ruined, the glass shattered and the wares absent. He paused in front of the bakery, a shop once stuffed with cake, pies, and other baked confections. Now, it was shattered, defeated. The windows were busted in, the displays were destroyed, the floors were scratched, and the cash register was empty and tossed onto its side. Aesunil remembered a different day, when the bakery line would stretch around the block. It was quite popular, as he recalled, and various Neopets queued for a cookie or a piece of cake.

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