Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,068,857 Issue: 856 | 15th day of Awakening, Y21
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Terra loved Neopia Central at night. The bustling metropolis was already fascinating enough during the day, but at night it turned into a symphony of light and motion. Faerie-dust lamps set down a rhythm of soft light on endless sidewalks, magic signs blinked a syncopated beat above shops and restaurants, and a choir of Eyrie cabs and Uni-drawn lorries streamed along city blocks like a grid-shaped river.

Fourteen Foods for Valentine's Day

Fourteen Foods for Valentine’s Day! ---Starring Lerlifa the Chocolate Draik, Rasola the Plushie Kougra, and Walda the ever so bratty Baby Kacheek!!!--- Lerlifia: Hello there. My name is Lerlifia, and I consider myself to be a real foodie! ...No, you imbecile. Not because I’m a Chocolate pet. I am BEYOND sick of hearing those silly jokes! Anyway, I view myself as a foodie because I love trying different types of cuisine, even if I may feel a bit apprehensive about some of them. (That Ketchup Ice Cream was quite different, to say the least.) Therefore, in honor of February 14th (Valentine’s Day), I am going to sample fourteen Valentine-related foods to see whether I like them or not.

Valentine Petpets to Help Show Your Love!

Valentine’s Day has long carried a tradition of being a time to show our Neopets love, affection, and appreciation. As the date approaches each year, many Neopians scramble to find the *perfect* gifts for their favorite Neopets. Sometimes this poses a problem though! I hear people ask “What can I get for my Neopets that already have so much? Flowers and candy aren’t enough!” Well, we’re here to give you an idea you may not have thought of yet...gifting them a Valentine Petpet!On Valentine’s Day in Y17, all of Neopia was blessed with something magical: The Valentine Petpet Paint Brush.

Valentines Day Activities for the Utterly Unromantic

Valentine’s Day Activities for the Utterly Unromantic It’s that time of year again, when happy couples flood the streets, walking hand in hand down cobblestone pathways singing loud love songs for all to hear. For those who are not entangled in such affairs, however, February 14 can sometimes seem a dreary occasion. However, while others are off celebrating, why not take advantage of some of Neopia’s best solo activities? There’s no better company than yourself!

Other Stories
"The Hunt for the Perfect Pearl" by fire_faerie167349
A wide-eyed Maraquan Jubjub with a look of determination on her face paddles through the coral reef. She is surrounded by marvelous corals of so many colors – blue with orange swirls, brilliant greens, red and pink tree-like formations, and even purple – but these are not what she is after. She passes them by without a second thought, scanning along the ocean floor for her prize. Samara’s birthday is only a week away, and Kallisco the Maraquan Jubjub has an idea for the perfect gift. She fancies herself a novice jewelry maker (quite difficult for a Jubjub with no hands…) and wants to find the loveliest pearl of them all to use in a necklace for Samara. It only makes sense to give her Royalgirl Lupe sister a necklace worthy of royalty, after all! They have been steadfast friends since Kallisco was adopted into the household. Samara is the oldest girl, and took Kallisco under her wing right away, looking after her and making sure she felt at home. Samara will be turning fourteen this year and Kallisco wants to make sure it’s special.

"Green Neggs and Cheese" by stellajoy_
Sophie the blue Shoyru was lonely. Her sister had recently morphed pirate and was running with a new crowd of all-pirate pets. While Sophie knew Yaoyue would include her if she asked, she also didn't want to put that kind of pressure on her sister. And besides, she'd feel weird being the only one in the group not painted. Before the morph, Yaoyue and Sophie played together after school every day. Her mother was sympathetic, but only to a point. "I asked if you wanted to take the potion, Sophie," she reminded her. "But you wanted to wait to be painted Faerie." Sophie sighed. "I know..." "This is temporary. It's new to her and she's excited. But Yaoyue will always be your sister, and you'll spend time together again. Just be patient." Sophie started taking different routes home from school, trying to fill the time, even going to other lands to explore. One day, in Tyrannia, she noticed a sign in one of the shop windows. “That’s it!” She flew home as quickly as she could, looking for her mother. “A petpet? That’s a lot of responsibility, Sophie.” “I know, but I can handle it! I’m certain of it.”

"Shadow Play" by cosmicfire918
Terra loved Neopia Central at night. The bustling metropolis was already fascinating enough during the day, but at night it turned into a symphony of light and motion. Faerie-dust lamps set down a rhythm of soft light on endless sidewalks, magic signs blinked a syncopated beat above shops and restaurants, and a choir of Eyrie cabs and Uni-drawn lorries streamed along city blocks like a grid-shaped river. A chilly spring wind picked up and the pale-skinned, blue-eyed human woman zipped her jacket closed. Her long copper hair was tied back in a braid, and she carefully wadded it against the back of her neck before throwing the hood of her jacket over her head, pushing her glasses up her nose, and putting her hands in her pockets. Low clouds hung overhead, illuminated by the collective glow of uncountable city lights. It had rained earlier that day, and it looked poised to do so again tonight. Not that Terra would mind—she loved rain, too. Visits to Neopia Central were always a wonderful experience.

Valentine Shop Closes the 18th

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Valentine Shop
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