Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,228,680 Issue: 900 | 1st day of Hunting, Y22
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Continued Series

The River that Flows Eternal

Jahbal stood on the balcony of his fortress, his gaze sweeping the snowstorm. Ice and snow were all that the Two Rings knew, here on this high peak. But there was no better place from which to survey his domain.

by movie138music
Harker's Story

Harker is finally reunited with his sister...but at what cost?

by tanikagillam
Avatar Goldmine

Dr Sloth chuckled as he stared down at Harry who was trying to flap his wings to flee from the scene. Hew then turned his head towards Rysony and spoke in a deep voice..‘Hello there, my friend. I’ve been looking for you for a while now.’ Edited by rabbits_forever

by wizzkid_
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9 Reasons I Keep Coming Back to the Site

I have been playing Neopets for well over 10 years now. I can still remember the time I created my first ever account— My older cousin was there showing me the ropes and showing off his Darigan Kougra, which I thought was the coolest thing ever at the time, and still think is pretty cool today! I created a Yellow Buzz and was browsing through its different possible colours, feeling super amazed and wanting to someday paint my Buzz Fire (because Fire is so rad, amirite?) Fast forward to today...

Other Stories


Sery and Vina
A story about two Mutant Hissi sisters learning to love themselves.

by swordlilly


The Lonely Kadoatie
Sure, some Kadoaties have expensive tastes, which can come as a surprise, but Mew was different. There’s no item listed underneath her cage at all; there’s nothing she seems to want.Also by noitalletsnoc

by neon3002


How to Become a Great Neopian Times Writer
The Neopian Times has always been a place of inspiration and admiration for me. Always full of stories, awesome articles, and comics, but for years I wasn’t sure how to get published until I learned these steps...

by rkbear


30 Facts about The Neopian Times
30 Facts about the Neopian Times also by Neschulz

by sthephanie


Forgetful Follies
I never remember anything!

by focalin_xr


900th Neopian Times Celebration Crossword Puzzle
Crossword about the colours of our famous NT mascot, the WeeWoo for issue #900

by xlorally

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