Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword quanticdreams

Week - 703

You Had One Job
by quanticdreams
Description: But what’s with the herbs? You literally eat out every night; the most I’ve seen you cook is toast, and it’s never even very good toast, and yet now you’re buying exotic herbs and- are you chopping those herbs, Jhudora? You have multiple greasy Shenkuuvian takeout boxes from that place with the peeling pink paint and yet here you are cooking. That doesn’t seem like you, Jhudora.

Week - 1001

The L-Word
by quanticdreams
Description: "Kanrik rounded the corner to see Hanso frantically doing the trick of stomping on the trash in a garbage can so you can fit more stuff in it. This was unusual because it was..."

Week - 1003

We're Okay
by quanticdreams
Description: "Even as a young Ixi, however, he kept his past strictly to himself..."

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Dressed to Impress
"They're so trendy and cute!"

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Nuria and the Sands of Time
"A cold quiet crept across them both. They hadn’t yet discovered why they were sent to this temple in the lost desert but the things they had found were unnerving to say the least..."

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Godori Gamer
"I'll put my obelisk on the pyramids to make a match..."

by leighlizzzie

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