Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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Continued Series

The Price of Ambition

"Once again, three days after coming back from Terror Mountain, the Golden family found themselves sitting around the kitchen table. Tuskgus and Izzrin were there..."

by golden1188
Nuria and the Sands of Time

"A cold quiet crept across them both. They hadn’t yet discovered why they were sent to this temple in the lost desert but the things they had found were unnerving to say the least..."

by neoghia
A Hero's Journey: Squire

"Theodosia and Cavall sat at their table, having a simple dinner of potatoes and meat stew..."

by precious_katuch14
Salem of the Sway

"Morning soon arrived, and I was heading towards the Brightvale Bookstore. During Professor Lambert’s quest for knowledge the previous night, he..."

by skittleskit09
Search the Neopian Times


"We're Okay" by quanticdreams
…Even as a young Ixi, however, he kept his past strictly to himself. “Jazan?” Nabile said, squinting into the Qasalan sun to try and make out the figure below. “There’s some sort of clown man outside.” Jazan shuffled blearily across the floor only to be catapulted into wakefulness by what he heard next. “Hanso!” he snarled. As usual, he heard the horrible little man before he saw him — Brynn had apparently gotten held up by the palace guards, which was reasonable, given that Jazan hadn’t expected them. Less reasonable was Hanso’s subsequent course of action, which was to shout Jazan’s name at the top of his lungs until the king himself showed up to punch him in the face. “Jazan, my pal, my buddy, I—” Jazan punched him in the face. He shook out his hand and turned to Brynn. “What is your business?” he said, perfectly composed. Brynn saluted him stiffly. “Captain Brynn Bowen of the Faerieland Guard—” Hanso groaned on the ground. “—and Master Thief Hanso Madeleine of Queen Fyora’s employ, your majesty.” “We’re treasure hunting,” Hanso said into the sand. “Securing dangerous artefacts.” “Same diff.” Jazan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Your presence, I understand, but why is he here? Don’t answer that, I understand the reasons perfectly,” he added as Brynn opened her mouth to respond, “I just don’t like them. Which artefact?”

Other Stories


We're Okay
"Even as a young Ixi, however, he kept his past strictly to himself..."

by quanticdreams


Bed Time Story
"The two little Poogles were already in their pyjamas and lying on their respective beds as they waited eagerly and obediently for their mother to pick up..."Collab with _luaxinha_

by dinha_reeves


A Guide to Garden Gnomes
"Hello darlings and thank you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies..."

by spukl1


Totally Real!: Guide to Mystery Island
Did you know that Gadgadsbogen translates to "good good day"?

by rawbeee


My Snailien and Me
"He's just like me..."

by logical_loophole


Royal Pain: Pick Your Own - Part 2
This gameplay makes no sense! Collab with mistyqee

by winner19955

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