Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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My Snailien and Me

by logical_loophole

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Nuria and the Sands of Time
"A cold quiet crept across them both. They hadn’t yet discovered why they were sent to this temple in the lost desert but the things they had found were unnerving to say the least..."

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Royal Pain: Pick Your Own - Part 2
This gameplay makes no sense! Collab with mistyqee

by winner19955


The Plight of Petpets
While our pets are often afforded the royal treatment, spending extended periods of time lounging about the Neolodge or filling themselves to contentment at Kelp or The Golden Dubloon, how often do our Petpets ever get such nice things?

by dennykins


Godori Gamer
"I'll put my obelisk on the pyramids to make a match..."

by leighlizzzie

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