Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,846,079 Issue: 1008 | 17th day of Hunting, Y26
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword _dezygurl_

Week - 1008

The Unexpected Gift
by _dezygurl_
Description: "Athaleas grunts and groans as she stretches in bed. Sliding her head out from underneath her pile of pillows, she manages to open one eye and attempts to check the time on her alarm clock..."

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Battle Blunders pt1
DODGE! Collab with nostalgicneopian

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One Calm Day in Space
"One calm day in space, Gerald the Orange Grundo was monitoring the stars for any potential danger. This was an easy job these days since..."

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Quiz: Which Evil Coconut Are You?
A curious question crosses your mind, as you stare at the wide variety of evil coconuts smirking back at you: Which Evil Coconut are you most like? Collab with 9kas

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NeoPizza - The Shutdown - Page 1
In which another story begins...

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