The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,846,079 Issue: 1008 | 17th day of Hunting, Y26
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword salem_822

Week - 1000

Impossible Dreams
by salem_822
Description: "To everyone who's had a dream..."

Week - 1005

Ashes of the Alabriss
by salem_822
Description: "Brynn pulled her thick orange hair into a tight bun, holding it in place with one hand while the other removed the hairpin she’d been holding between her teeth to..."

Week - 1006

Ashes of the Alabriss
by salem_822
Description: After feeding the Alabrisses, Brynn had cleaned up the mess in the barn then attempted to give herself a makeshift shower with the hose, leaving the heavy fabric of her damp tunic clinging uncomfortably to her body

Week - 1007

Ashes of the Alabriss
by salem_822
Description: "Brynn spent the next hour talking with Kali; teaching her how to stretch Storm’s legs, telling her what a good listener he was, how he would get excited on the Day of Giving because..."

Week - 1008

Ashes of the Alabriss
by salem_822
Description: "Hanso had made significant progress with Taffy. Between respecting his boundaries, feeding him while Brynn was at the stable, and occasionally offering him treats, the Naalala was now confident enough to allow Hanso to pet him…"

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Fur force feedback
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They say grey clouds have silver linings.

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