Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword alexatina

Week - 704

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: Meet the Family!

Week - 707

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 1
by alexatina
Description: The first of a two part adventure!

Week - 708

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 2
by alexatina
Description: The last of a two part adventure!

Week - 711

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: We go fishing!

Week - 712

Normal is Boring - Day of Giving
by alexatina
Description: Some gifts are better than others.

Week - 713

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: A trip to the Tombola!

Week - 1010

Normal is Boring: Beloved Petpet
by alexatina
Description: Kinda smelly...

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*Burp* Turmy's Ten Tastiest Petpets
As we only just met, I’d much prefer that you refer to me by my formal title, the King of Petpets. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Collab with cartographist and oi_tio_to_na_globo

by tylerhuyser


The Floating Islanders - Petpet Appreciation
Remember to read the room before smothering your precious petpet with affection this appreciation day!

by yankeesrule244444456


Treat your Rock Petpet to a Spa Day
Everyone loves their Rock right? What is not to adore about this lovely Petpet who loves basking in the sun and being mellow all day long. Collab with Nick_weaver1337

by tamimarieb


Petpet Customisation - Is it Possible?
Designing unique looks for your pets is one of the primary drawcards of Neopets. The Customisation and NC trading boards are among the most active out there, the Customisation Spotlights are very popular competitions and the NC Mall, primarily used for wearables, has been busier this year than at any time in recent history.

by dennykins


Just Royal
Here's to all the Petpets just being themselves.

by neo_coaster363

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