For an easier life Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Squire

You are a disgrace to the Wincott name,” a Royal Usul snarled as he slammed his fist down onto his desk, sending a few sheets of paper fluttering to the floor.

by precious_katuch14
The Timeless Tale

Rhea and Kera were trembling with excitement. So it was possible! Time travel to the past was possible. It seemed almost surreal.

by chlo26
Ashes of the Alabriss

The stables that morning were abuzz with chatter of the upcoming chariot season. It was mere days away, and with each moment it ticked closer, the pit of dread in Brynn’s stomach grew.

by salem_822
Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race

Elizia knew she couldn’t catch the ship by swimming. As it drifted away, so did her chances of winning.

by platinum_marauder
Not the Best Family Reunion

Nixie was a Purple Hissi, with radiant scales and a pointy snout. She had golden, haughty eyes and gleaming fangs, and slept with two daggers beneath her pillow.

by kayixu
The Queen's Gratitude

Queen Fyora once again made her way to the throne room to receive those who had sought an audience with her. She previewed her list of visitors and proceeded to groan.

by black_skull725
Faeries Land

Ivima, a Water Faerie, swam through the Faerieland stream, searching for her friend, Yenil. Yenil was a Grey Faerie who lived in the forest next to Faerieland.

by kebicorn
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Bring Your Own Petpet to Work Day

As a writer for the celebrity and pop culture section of The Neopian Times, I, Archibald Grimsley, was excited to hear that it was Bring Your Own Petpet to Work Day. Every evening when I would come home I would tell Giggles, my Rainbow Babyca, all about the important figures I had interviewed and latest trends in Neopia. Now I could actually bring Giggles to see it all happen! If only I had known what a fiasco was to occur when Giggles came with me to The Neopian Times headquarters, I wouldn’t have brought him along. The day began quite normally, sleeping till the last minute, rushing to get dressed and grabbing a cup of Marquan Blend Coffee and a Breakfast Hot Dog, and running out the front door. Right as I crossed the threshold, I heard Giggles exclaim, “Wait for me! I’m coming along today, remember?” Oh, yeah! In my sleepy haze I had completely forgotten. “Well, come along then!” I replied. We quickly made the trek to the NT headquarters. As we approached the entrance, I saw several of my coworkers walking in with their Petpets. Sandra from HR was holding her Angelpuss and loudly saying, “What a good girl!” Clearly trying to draw everyone’s attention to her Petpet. Giggles and I both looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Unfortunately for Sandra, the majority of the attention was on Nico, the Altador Cup correspondent, who was dancing next to his Disco Kookith to the hit song Dancing King from the BAAB album. Passing through the crowd, we entered the building and I escorted Giggles to my cubicle. “Well, this is it! What do you think?” I asked. “This is where you spend all day? In this drab and boring cube!” Giggles said disgustedly. Ouch. My cubicle isn’t boring! I have a Cheery plant right next to...

Other Stories


The Legend of the 50-Foot-Long Tuffala
"One cosy day in Moltara, Malmagma the Magma Draik was watching a programme on Neovision. Intrigued by the recent discovery of a new Moltaran Petpet called the Tuffala, she was enjoying special coverage about the critter..."

by _brainchild_


Wren the White Weewoo Found a Fleaf
"Once upon a time, many moons ago in the spooky Haunted Woods, there lived a dazzling Weewoo named Wren. Wren was not an ordinary Weewoo; she was a..."

by spukl1


Bring Your Own Petpet to Work Day
As a writer for the celebrity and pop culture section of The Neopian Times, I, Archibald Grimsley, was excited to hear that it was Bring Your Own Petpet to Work Day. Collab with littlebitdancer

by marinarasaucy


*Burp* Turmy's Ten Tastiest Petpets
As we only just met, I’d much prefer that you refer to me by my formal title, the King of Petpets. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Collab with cartographist and oi_tio_to_na_globo

by tylerhuyser


Swifter - Petpets are a Pets Best Friend
Petpets are are a Neopets best friend... Sometimes they are just a little needy

by kirbzie


An Unusual Gift
Just a little musing on how the Ruki Salad was created...

by betti666

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