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The Legend of the 50-Foot-Long Tuffala

by _brainchild_


One cosy day in Moltara, Malmagma the Magma Draik was watching a programme on Neovision. Intrigued by the recent discovery of a new Moltaran Petpet called the Tuffala, she was enjoying special coverage about the critter.

     “The size of this unique being is directly tied to its age,” began the announcer as video footage was shown containing several Tuffalas of different sizes in their native habitat. “Due to some of the giant specimens that have been discovered, it is believed that they can live for a very, very long time. Another unique fact about the creatures is that they can move through streams of magma underneath the Neopian planet’s surface to travel anywhere on the globe almost instantly. Therefore, it is speculated that Tuffalas may soon be found in other regions besides Moltara. How exciting!”

     Malmagma smiled, realising that she wanted a Tuffala of her own.

     “Also intriguing is the legend of the 50-foot-long Tuffala,” continued the announcer.

     Malmagma could not believe her ears. A 50-foot-long Petpet?! Only the Turmaculus would compare.

     “This legend has been passed down for the last 1000 years. It was only written down semi-recently, having been told previously by word of mouth. 1000 years ago, the Princess of Moltara, a young Draik, had a Tuffala named Lavaridge for a Petpet. When the princess fell victim to a nasty curse and could no longer care for Lavaridge, the Petpet was placed in the local zoo. However, she soon grew so big and strong that she escaped from the zoo and scampered off to an unknown location. More information can be found in the book The Princess of Moltara and Her 50-Foot-Long Tuffala. Our time is up for today! Until next time, dear viewers.”

     Regardless of whether the story was true or not, Malmagma knew that she just HAD to know more about the giant Tuffala. She knew she had to get her hands on that book! She quickly ventured to Moltara’s beloved bookstore, the Arcanium, to see if they had it in stock.

     When she arrived, she asked the shopkeeper, a grinning Magma Yurble, about the book. “Oh, yes,” he replied. “A lot of Neopians have been requesting that book since the recent discovery of the Tuffala. In fact, I have a shared copy which has been enchanted by a spell so it won’t disappear when read. You may read it if you wish.”

     Malmagma curled up in an armchair and began to read the book:

      The Princess of Moltara and Her 50-Foot Long Tuffala:

     One thousand years ago, an evil, immortal Darigan Draik named Magicreep founded a dastardly criminal organisation called the Order of Chaos, which used dark magic to commit nefarious crimes. He indoctrinated hundreds of Neopets into his group, and he attempted to convert his young adult daughter, Maldice the immortal Stealthy Draik. He also planned to convert his baby daughter, an immortal Red Draik, once she became older.

     However, Maldice could plainly see that her father and his followers were in the wrong. Therefore, she defected from the organisation and took her baby sister with her, since she did not want the child to be indoctrinated into the criminal syndicate like many others.

     Enraged, Magicreep ordered his followers to search for Maldice and the baby without mercy. However, they had no luck. Maldice decided to raise the baby herself as if she were her mother.

     One day, as the baby was learning to fly, she escaped Maldice’s grasp and landed in the Magma Pool. Because she was immortal, she was unharmed and emerged from the flames bearing a beautiful Magma paint colour. The locals were amazed, as they had been avoiding the pool, since anyone who had previously fallen in did not make it. Thoroughly impressed by the baby’s power, they crowned her the Princess of Moltara. Also, Maldice cast a spell on the Magma Pool so that anyone could use it to self-paint without being harmed.

     When the princess was older, she was given a spectacular birthday gift: a young Tuffala of her very own. She named the Tuffala “Lavaridge” and took excellent care of her. However, when the princess was 16 years old, Magicreep finally located her and cast a horrible spell on her, leaving her in a deep slumber. She was placed in a shrine and cared for by the locals, who desperately hoped that she would wake up. In the meantime, Lavaridge was relocated to the local zoo, but escaped once she became too big and strong to contain.

     One thousand years later, at the same time that the Darkest Faerie was freed, the princess mysteriously disappeared. The locals went to check on her in her shrine, but she was not there. It is speculated that the Darkest Faerie, once free, broke the spell on the princess, and that the faerie wished to use her help to fight her rivals from the Order of Chaos.

     At the same time that the princess disappeared, a mysterious door appeared in front of a Moltaran cave. No one fully understands its purpose, but it is believed that the door may be connected to the princess and/or Lavaridge. No one has been able to open the door. The strongest Battledomers and the most skilled magicians, including Maldice, have tried to pry the door open, but no one has succeeded.

     Regarding Lavaridge, it is not known whether or not the Tuffala is still alive. As many Tuffala specimens that are centuries old have been found, it is speculated that, after 1000 years, Lavaridge may still be alive, albeit very, very old. Scientists believe that because Tuffalas grow bigger as they age, Lavaridge would be a whopping 50 feet long at 1000 years old. Some Neopians speculate that she may still be out there, while others argue that a 50-foot-long beast could not possibly remain hidden for so long.

     At present day, no one knows the whereabouts of the princess or Lavaridge. This story has provided more questions than answers, and it is unknown if any of these mysteries will ever be solved.

      Malmagma just knew she had to try and open that door. She speculated that Lavaridge could be waiting! Although it was unlikely that the door would open for her, she had to at least try.

     She ventured to the cave and noticed the door. It was very tall, certainly big enough to accommodate a 50-foot Tuffala. She took a deep breath and pulled on the door handle. To her amazement, the door started glowing, and it swung open easily.

     She walked into the cave and noticed a giant beast swimming in the lava. Could this be Lavaridge? She gazed at the creature and speculated that she was about 50 feet long. Malmagma waited patiently until the critter came to the surface. Sure enough, she was staring at a giant Tuffala!

     Upon noticing Malmagma, the Tuffala gained a joyful expression on her face. Before Malmagma could react, the Tuffala gave her a giant hug. It appeared that the Tuffala recognised her! Then the Tuffala gestured for Malmagma to jump on her back. She nervously complied, and the Tuffala dashed out of the cave, breaking the door in the process.

     This was certainly Lavaridge the Tuffala... but why did the creature recognise Malmagma? The Draik figured that she couldn’t possibly be the princess from 1000 years ago. She was just an ordinary soul.

      Lavaridge started roaming through Moltara with Malmagma on her back. Amazed onlookers declared that the princess had returned! A crew of Neovision reporters stopped her for an interview. “I’m no princess...” she stammered.

     Just then, a Stealthy Draik swooped down. She recognised the Draik’s face, but from where? “I see that Princess Malmagma and Lavaridge have finally returned!” grinned the Draik.

     “Do you really think I’m the princess?!” asked Malmagma incredulously.

     “I KNOW you are!” replied the Stealthy Draik. “You are the immortal princess who fell victim to a nasty curse 1000 years ago, a curse that not even I could undo. You are now here, along with Lavaridge the Tuffala!”

     “Remind me of your name,” answered Malmagma. “I know your face...”

     “I’m your older sister, Maldice. I defected from the Order and took you as a baby, saving both of us from our dreadful father.”

     “Why didn’t I remember any of this?”

     “You must’ve developed amnesia as a result of that awful curse that was placed upon you.’

     All of a sudden, Malmagma’s memories from 1000 years ago started to return. While she didn’t remember her father, she pictured Maldice’s face, and the face of a young Lavaridge. Her thoughts continued to race until a Darigan Draik swooped down and interrupted her.

     “MALDICE!” he bellowed. “Now you’ve REALLY done it! I cursed her for a reason! WHY did you wake her up?!”

     Malmagma gathered that this was indeed her devious father, Magicreep!

     “I wasn’t the one who woke her up. I tried, but I couldn’t revive her!”

     “You liar! Anyway, I will END you two traitors, plus the overgrown rat, once and for all!”

     Lavaridge scowled and bore her teeth.

     Magicreep hurled a blast of dark energy at the trio. Maldice tried to repel it, but had little success. The two sisters were about to be struck, but then Lavaridge hurled herself into the air and used herself as a shield. After the dark energy had dissolved, the surprisingly swift creature slammed into Magicreep and whacked him with her tail. He collided with a nearby cavern wall and fell to the ground.

     He raised his head and growled, “It seems that I cannot defeat you as long as that horrible monster is alive. I will be back!” Then he used a teleportation spell to disappear.

     Malmagma, concerned for her Petpet, turned to Lavaridge. “She appears to have been weakened by the fight... I don’t know if she’ll make it. She’s really old already!”

     Maldice waved her magical wand. Lavaridge’s wounds healed, and she started glowing. “Not only did I heal her injuries, I also made her immortal! We need not worry if our awful father ever comes back.”

     “That’s great to hear!” replied Malmagma enthusiastically, hugging Lavaridge. “However, if she’s immortal, she’ll never stop growing. That might be a problem...”

     “You’re right,” answered Maldice. She waved her wand and cast another spell. “Now Lavaridge will stay at her current size.”

     Just then, the Darkest Faerie appeared in a cloud of smoke. “Not bad... I could use the three of you to help take down the Order!”

     “We won’t help you do anything evil!” snapped Maldice.

     “I won’t ask you to. I just want the Order stomped out. Until next time!” Then she disappeared in another cloud of smoke.

     Thus, the citizens of Moltara built a palace for their princess, and a rock garden for Lavaridge. The duo knew they could happily live there until the end of time. If Magicreep were to ever return, Lavaridge would send him packing. While the Darkest Faerie left many questions unanswered, in the meantime, all Malmagma could do was smile.


     The End.... or is it?

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