Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Swifter - Petpets are a Pets Best Friend

by kirbzie

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Normal is Boring: Beloved Petpet
Kinda smelly...

by alexatina


Faeries Land
Ivima, a Water Faerie, swam through the Faerieland stream, searching for her friend, Yenil. Yenil was a Grey Faerie who lived in the forest next to Faerieland.

by kebicorn


Ashes of the Alabriss
The stables that morning were abuzz with chatter of the upcoming chariot season. It was mere days away, and with each moment it ticked closer, the pit of dread in Brynn’s stomach grew.

by salem_822


TNI #3: Bring Your Petpet To Work Day
They say petpets resemble their owners.

by elshastara

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