Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword elshastara

Week - 596

Boo Hiss - Crosspaints More Like CrossPAINS
by elshastara
Description: There is no easy way to choose an Altador Cup team.

Week - 617

Boo Hiss - How Melodious!
by elshastara
Description: Stop getting ectoplasma all over the ceiling, Fin.

Week - 1008

TNI #1: The Important Question
by elshastara
Description: They say grey clouds have silver linings.

Week - 1009

TNI #2: Fyorced Interview
by elshastara
Description: The things we do to stay relevant...

Week - 1010

TNI #3: Bring Your Petpet To Work Day
by elshastara
Description: They say petpets resemble their owners.

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