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12 Petpets That Deserve Your Appreciation

by spitfyre_momma


Sponsored by the Petpet Protection League

     There are hundreds of Petpets in Neopia, and naturally, some are more popular than others. There’s no shortage of love for Faellies, Meepits, Onas, Kadoaties, and Snowbunnies. But what about the other 90%? Every Petpet deserves their day--that’s why the Petpet Protection League established the Petpet of the Week, after all--but there is more that could be done. So on this Petpet Appreciation Day, we’d like to take the time to call out to 12 lesser-known Petpets that deserve more love and attention.

     1. Hermiteese

     Hailing from Altador, this fetching fellow is smarter than you might think. The owner of the Altadorian Petpet Shop says that these Petpets assist their owners with a variety of tasks such as Neomailing letters and fetching plates of cheese for their Neopet. What more could your Neopet want?

     2. Cubett

     As the name would imply, these bright orange aquatic Petpets are curiously shaped like a cube. Its odd shape often causes potential owners to pass over it, but once you get past their exterior, these swimmers are loving and loyal.

     3. Mastyxi

     Have you ever heard of a Mastyxi? If you’ve ever found yourself wandering the Lost Desert, you may have overlooked these yellow, clawed, and long-tailed little guys napping in scant patches of shade. They are happiest when left to sunbathe, and can be quite affectionate when they’re in a good mood. Beware, however, that these are not the best partners for Baby Neopets--they can sport a nasty temper.

     4. Boween

     These chubby, cuddly balls of love are sadly often ignored in the Faerieland Petpet Shop, where Neopets tend to flock towards more popular Petpets instead. Next time you’re there, take a moment to give the Boweens a few pets. You may just find that they would make the perfect playmate for your Neopet.

     5. Yackito

     Stout, bright green, and shaped vaguely like an asparagus, these birds are known for being quite wise. They can be difficult to come across, as they are only found rarely in the depths of the jungles of Geraptiku. But if you can sway one to your side, they’ll be a loyal advisor to any Neopet.

     6. Kora

     Koras are already found quite commonly in Neopia, and are often caught while fishing at the Fishing Vortex. But this commonality is what also causes them to be underappreciated and undervalued. Sadly, many Koras are abandoned to the Money Tree, or just discarded, as fishing enthusiasts quest for more “valuable” prizes from the vortex. However, these knobbly and blue coral-like Petpets have feelings too, and they deserve to be loved. The next time you catch one on the end of your line, consider giving it some pets and cuddles before gently returning it to its home.

     7. Karren

     The Karren is a Medieval Petpet with large ears and small wings, reminiscent of a bat. Many shoppers tend not to even see them when they shop at Ye Olde Petpet Shoppe, as they hang upside down in the dark recesses of the rafters and are shy to say hi. They also sport poor eyesight, and are nearly blind. But don’t let that fool you--they know that you’re there, thanks to their superior hearing, and are waiting for the right Neopet to walk through the doors.

     8. Poppit

     Many of Neopia’s most common Petpets can be found at the Petpet Shop in Neopia Central. Everyone is already familiar with many of the Petpets commonly found there such as the Cobrall, Doglefox, Spyder, Mallard, Warf, Noil, Snorkel, Tenna,... you get the picture. These Petpets often get recognition in other parts of Neopia, whether through minigames, wearables, or art. But others tend to be overlooked, and the Poppit is one of them. This yellow and black spring-shaped Petpet uses suction to stick onto walls, and if it needs to, it sucks air into its body and can fire itself into the sky! It would make a great partner for an energetic and fun pet.

     9. Globilol

     Globilols tend to get a bad rap for several reasons. First, they’re a creative contest prize, and many who are lucky enough to win this don’t feel very lucky at all. Secondly, they do have a tendency to become quite destructive once they’re adults. But this is just due to a lack of love and socialisation. As young Petpets, the Globilol is very cute and sweet. It’s only when they’re ignored that Globilols evolve into something more devious. For the good of Neopia, we should all make an effort to give these poor Globilols more love and appreciation.

     10. Bloop

     There’s not much to say about the Bloop. It’s a cross between a pool ball and a spot of ink. This spooky Petpet is often camouflaged in the shadows of the Spooky Petpet Shop, and the only way to spot one is to keep a lookout for its large, shining eyes. But just because this Petpet doesn’t have any fur... or limbs... doesn’t mean that it’s any less deserving of attention than the Meepits, Talpidats, and Schnellies that it’s sold next to.

     11. Graglop

     Eleven years ago, the Petpet Protection League sought to recognise the Graglop, who we believe is underrepresented in Neopia. Ordinarily, we reward 200 Petpets, but imagine our surprise when there were only 55 Graglops equipped in all of Neopia! Unfortunately, very little has changed since then. These surly Tyrannian Petpets tend to not get along well with others. Their coarse demeanour and spiky exterior scare away many potential owners. However, Graglops do find themselves attached to Neopets who tend to be as grumpy as they are. If you know any Neopets who may fit the bill, consider taking them to Tyrannia and introducing them to the Graglop.

     12. Cougi

     Many Wintery Petpets find themselves prominently featured in Neopian media during the Month of Celebrating. The Abominable Snowball was featured in one of last year’s Premium Collectibles. The Polarchuck, Snowickle, Wherfy, Wreathy, Candychan, and Raindorf all feature prominently at the Advent Calendar. Feepit, Gabars, and Snufflies all receive recognition in Neopia’s minigames. But there are a few Wintery Petpets that have yet to have their moment in the limelight, and the Cougi is once. These little guys are adorably fluffy with large thick red fur, tall ears, large green eyes, and a green nose. When it gets annoyed, its nose starts to flash!

     The Petpet Protection League sincerely hopes that the next time you step into a Neopian Petpet shop, or pass a lonely Petpet in the wild, to take a second look at who the Petpet really is, and give it a moment of your time. All Petpets are deserving of appreciation!


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