Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword alexatina

Week - 704

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: Meet the Family!

Week - 707

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 1
by alexatina
Description: The first of a two part adventure!

Week - 708

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 2
by alexatina
Description: The last of a two part adventure!

Week - 711

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: We go fishing!

Week - 712

Normal is Boring - Day of Giving
by alexatina
Description: Some gifts are better than others.

Week - 713

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: A trip to the Tombola!

Week - 1010

Normal is Boring: Beloved Petpet
by alexatina
Description: Kinda smelly...

Week - 1013

Normal is Boring: Plot Roles
by alexatina
Description: Some Neopets help more than others...

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Swifter - Kitchen Quests
Swifter gains some stats by doing Kitchen Quests.

by kirbzie


To the Tune: Bad Fur Day
If you say so!

by xstarfrost


3 Royals Plus 1
Thank you!

by white_tiger0226


Not the Best Family Reunion
"What did you find out?” Mio asked, following a disgruntled Magma ‘Pet through overcrowded streets.

by kayixu


Gelert Rivals
Tandrak was not happy. For almost two decades he had held a very specific role, not only on Team Darigan, but among all the Yooyuball athletes who participated in the Altador Cup every year.

by sima232005

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