Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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Tick-tick-tick, do you hear that sound? The Machines in Motion Collab is coming to the Neopian Times on August 9th (8/9). Time to put those ideas into gear!

With the upcoming battledome plot, will the Battleground of the Obelisk be continuing at the same time? I'm hoping that we can have time to dedicate to battling if that's expected to be a heavy component of the BD plot, but the Obelisk can also require more battle time as well, so would these two battledome events potentially conflict with one another? ~ neoaggie99999
You’ll be able to do both activities at the same time. Challengers will be released periodically and should not effect those participating in Battlegound of the Obelisk. Happy Battling! ~~ Sunpotato

Can you fix the Altador Cup Darigan Citadel Frame? When you go to customise your pet with it, it covers EVERYTHING and you can't see what they look like. Elsewhere it looks normal, it's just a frame, but while in Customise you can't see your pet. ~ pixie_dust_318
Hello! Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention! The frame has been fixed so you should now be able to customise with this item! Happy Customising and Good Luck in the Altador Cup! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! The completionist in me needs to know - will there be a special prize awarded to those who complete each Act's Fearless Deeds before the Act ends? ~ fiery_sword
Yes! There will be a special prize for completing all Fearless Deeds for the plot ~~ Sunpotato

To clear up confusion and speculation on the boards, could you please clarify whether the items in the Void Within plot prize shop will rotate at any point? And thanks to all of TNT for your hard work on the plot! ~ spidero
The plot prize shop will not be rotated, as new acts are introduced new prizes will be added! ~~ Sunpotato

Listen up gang! *Splashes Krawkade upon you* Fred the Tuskaninny Sailor Stamp has no item description! Fred be the slickest and smoothest skinned scallywag sailin the seas and me backstory deserves tellin! ALSO please create one last swashbuckling stamp to complete the Krawk Island stamp page! And don't forget me avatar! YARRRR the best! - signed, definitely NOT fred ~ amazon9999
Ahoy, matey! We agree that Fred’s backstory deserves telling, and the stamp now has a description for all to hear of Fred’s adventures! We’ll continue searching the Krawk Island shipwrecks for any more stamps, and let you know when we find any… ~~ Snail

Hi TNT! I was browsing someone's gallery and I came across the item Scary Spider. This is one of the cutest items I've ever seen, I was seriously just gobsmacked at how cute it is. It would make for a perfect Petpetpet especially for Halloween themed pets! Would you consider turning this little guy into a Petpetpet?? ~ hindoru
We agree- the Scary Spider is so cute it’s almost, well… scary! Thank you for the suggestion, and we will definitely keep this idea in mind and see if any of these little guys might like to find a new home with your Pets and Petpets! ~~ Snail

Hola TNT!! *hands you the largest plate of cookies you've ever seen* I’ve been eagerly trying to participate in the Storytelling Contest for the past two months, but despite my efforts, I haven’t had any success in getting my stories accepted. I’d love to understand more about the criteria for this particular contest. I can’t help but wonder if my challenges might be influenced by the fact that English isn’t my first language, even though I believe I have the ability to write a decent story. Additionally, I’ve noticed that many of the same talented players frequently appear in the winners’ circle, often boasting impressive collections of 50-100+ storytelling trophies. This pattern can be quite discouraging for aspiring writers in the community. I would greatly appreciate any clarification you could provide about this situation and any insights into how I might improve my chances in the future. Thank you so much for all the hard work! ~ sosunub
Hello! Thank you for the cookies, although I may get a tummy ache if I eat them all! Here are some helpful tips to help you increase your chances of being selected in the Storytelling Contest:

  • Make sure that the flow of your submission works with the previously published story part; if the story is ending soon, try to wrap up the plot and details.
  • ensure that your content is original and written without the aid of AI-based programs as this can trigger AI detection (we want to ensure fairness!)
  • We love creativity but we also need to stick to canon Neopets information and plots etc. as much as we can
  • We typically just this content fairly early in the morning (NST time) so keep this in mind when submitting for your desired part. We also delete all submissions after a new part is selected, so keep this in mind!
  • We have a lot of users who submit on a daily basis and while we do our best to diversify the winners, we need to ensure all of the above.
Keep trying and don’t get discouraged! We appreciate your participation! We are aiming to have an updated handy dandy FAQ releasing soon going into more detail about Storytelling, so keep an eye out for that! ~~ Adler


I just wanted to give props to whoever made the prize pools for the neopian hospital, and the plot shop prize pool. Thank you for fighting the inflation of certain items with this! Some of them were seriously out of control, and now they're actually buyable after only a few weeks of the plot going on! ~ lena9016

I just wanted to say thank you to whoever designed Wormo. I love Wormo, my Wormo. All glory to Wormo! ~ racoon188

I just noticed that we can now see the previous message in our neomail!! This is a GAMECHANGER! Thank you so much for this update!! ~ capgal

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