Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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We found the following 24 result(s) for the keyword devotedly

Week - 867

Battledome Chat and Avatar Chat - 20 Years of Love
by nayana852
Description: 20 years later


Week - 869

Digivices Quest for Avatars! Chapter 1
by devotedly
Description: Digivices debut in a comic all about him!

Week - 870

Digivices Quest for Avatars! Chapter 2 - Cheeserolle
by devotedly
Description: Digivices debut in a comic all about him!

Week - 871

Altador Cup 2019 Fashion
by nayana852
Description: Pea Chia is back!

Also by devotedly

Week - 872

Digivices Spinoff Comics - ALTADOR CUP!!
by devotedly
Description: Scorrreeee

Week - 877

Nooo moreee fooooood
by devotedly
Description: feeeddmeee

Idea by nayana852

Week - 878

Happy birthday to me?
by devotedly

Idea by sessduh

Week - 882

by devotedly
Description: it's so hot

idea by sessduh

Week - 881

Mishaps in the battledome - snowager
by devotedly
Description: Pea throws snowball

Idea by starscreamer54

Week - 883

20th Anniversary Edition - Interview with Fyora!!
by devotedly
Description: 20 years of youth

Week - 887

Mishaps in the battledome - meuka
by devotedly
Description: Ewww

Idea by starscreamer54

Week - 890

Faerie Fables – Mira the Space Faerie
by devotedly
Description: Mira giggled as she grabbed the apple and banana out of the fruit bowl and placed them into her backpack, it was a pleasant accompaniment to the two cheese sandwiches, she had already packed.

By Devotedly, Tarons & Sportsagain

Week - 892

Faerie Fables - The Soup Faerie
by devotedly
Description: As time went on, the Neopets became less wary of the young girl that entered the forest.

collab with Tarons

Week - 895

Ilere, the haunting of the woods
by devotedly
Description: Dusk began to fill the evening air, as Haunted Woods enveloped in the dark shadow of night, making the atmosphere more creepy and dangerous than it had previously been before the sun began to set. collab with tarons

Week - 896

Stolen Crown Chronicles
by devotedly
Description: Fyora sat on her throne and gazed out of the window of her castle. She had just answered thirty odd questions regarding Faerieland and the upcoming Faerie Festival and she was exhausted. She pulled her crown off her head and placed it into her lap.collab with tarons

Week - 900

Sound the Alarm!
by steve_km
Description: Do you hear sirens? collab with devotedly

Week - 901

Faerie Fables - Naia the Fountain Faerie
by devotedly
Description: A story about a young faerie who became known far and wide for her colorful talents. also by tarons

Week - 908

Willow's Calling
by devotedly
Description: A young weewoo named willow must find her way... also by tarons

Week - 915

Cosmic Chaos!
by devotedly
Description: Let's try out my new telescope... By devotedly and Steve_km

Week - 968

Hap-pea and healthy!
by devotedly
Description: Being a hap-pea Chia is harder than it looks! collab with Layces

Week - 999

Finding a new hob-pea!
by devotedly
Description: Everyone needs a hobby!... Collab with Morphousss and Rescur

Week - 1009

Good girl gone..bad?
by devotedly
Description: The Faerie's have approached me with some concerns... Collab with morphousss

Week - 1010

Real Friends
by devotedly
Description: It's Altador Cup season! Collab with Morphousss & Bman_646

Week - 1013

Who's Afraid?!
by devotedly
Description: Terrifying...! Collab with morphousss

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The Grey Omelette
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The Other Side
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