Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword jjensen687

Week - 971

Something Has Happened! - Golden Teeth
by jjensen687
Description: Would you keep it?

Week - 982

Something has Happened! - Jubusul
by jjensen687
Description: Awkward...

Week - 994

Something Has Happened! - Lolly Snot
by jjensen687
Description: "A Shoyru is trying to enjoy a..."

Week - 995

Something Has Happened! - Wing Sock
by jjensen687
Description: "Your Neopet will love it-it's a perfect fit!"

Week - 996

Something Has Happened! - 101 Ways to Annoy a Uni
by jjensen687
Description: Happy Birthday, I guess?

Week - 1000

The Gallery of Heroes: A Comprehensive Guide
by jjensen687
Description: When thinking over my submission for the thousandth issue of the Neopian Times, I was uncertain. Perhaps a comic? Maybe a list article? A short story?

Week - 1001

Which Valentine's Gift Are You?
by jjensen687
Description: "Ah, Valentine’s Day. The season of hearts, glitter, and roses. The air is full of love, our hearts are full of joy, and- if you’re anything like me- your mind is awash with the same question you face every year..."

Week - 1013

Something Has Happened! - Uni Mask
by jjensen687
Description: It's exhausting being Grey.

Week - 1015

Something Has Happened! - Void Blade
by jjensen687
Description: Hmm...

Week - 1016

Something Has Happened! - Fire Spoon
by jjensen687
Description: Really? That's your suggestion?...

Week - 1017

Something Has Happened! - Depressed Potato
by jjensen687
Description: Poor sad potato...

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