The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword chocokelle

Week - 907

At the Healing Springs
by chocokelle
Description: She is just doing her job. Collab with sessduh

Week - 908

Good owner?
by chocokelle
Description: Weird expression choices...

Week - 909

Obviously Cheating
by chocokelle
Description: At least be smart about it!

Week - 910

Double sad!!!
by chocokelle
Description: He is just that emo. Collab with testemunha_

Week - 911

Kiko Lake Team
by chocokelle
Description: They won the cup, but... Collab with testemunha_

Week - 912

Free Healthcare
by chocokelle
Description: Hospital? Pfft.

Week - 912

Getting Better?
by testemunha_
Description: Sure about that? Collab with chocokelle

Week - 913

Fountain Faerie Quest
by chocokelle
Description: The solution for those without money... sometimes

Week - 997

by chocokelle
Description: So close yet so far

Week - 998

Two Types of Giving
by chocokelle
Description: Day of Giving shenanigans

Week - 1000

Writer issue
by chocokelle
Description: Honest feedback is needed

Week - 1001

Everybody likes gifts!
by chocokelle
Description: Show your friends some love!

Week - 1007

Chocolate Hair Perks
by chocokelle
Description: Whipped cream can solve your needs!

Week - 1009

Are you a Fan or Hater?
by chocokelle
Description: Either way, you can celebrate Fyora's Day!

Week - 1018

The Price of Looking Cute
by chocokelle
Description: Looking cute is the ultimate priority

Week - 1019

Too Old for Halloween?
by chocokelle
Description: Trick-or-treating is for everyone!

Week - 1020

You're Not Goth Enough
by chocokelle
Description: Pets needs their petpets to match!

Week - 1021

A Baby Birthday
by chocokelle
Description: How come you are that old already?

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Happy 25th Birthday
Anyone good at math? Collab with Plasticprep4eva and Dariganey

by shenkuun


Celebrations, and the Pitfalls Therein
If somebody had asked Hanso two months ago where he thought he’d be on this day, “The Faerie Festival” would not have been his answer.

by sporty2443


Gotta Go Fast? Gotta Blast!
Problem-solving at its finest!

by obaraten


The Initiate
The young red Techo looked up at the towering stone walls covered with hieroglyphs. Some he could make out as saying, “Order of King Coltzan I”, “Temple of King Coltzan I”, “Founder of Sakhmet” and “First High Cleric”. Over the walls, he could see the columns and rooftops of the buildings inside, silhouetted against the light of the sun and hazy in the desert heat.

by precious_katuch14


Castle Planner's Journal: 1000 Years
The chiming of distant bells signalled the changing of the hour, and came as a great relief for Lisha as she jumped out of her chair. She had been so patiently waiting to escape the confines of the library.

by ferretboy85

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