White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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New Series

The Dream Quest

“Yes!” Solanza crowed, pumping her fist in the air as the text flashed across her screen: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE BEATEN NEOQUEST!

by ellienib
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"The Afterparty Cleanup" by ningkov1
The day after Neopia's birthday celebrations was a time when most were still happily drifting along on a sugary sweet cloud of treats; however, for those in the Cleanup Brigade it was one of the busiest days of the year. Leftover candy wrappers, confetti, gift boxes, party streamers: most of these items were trash, though every year usable goods and even treasures were found by the cleaners. Last year, a newbie somehow stumbled upon a Cybunny Morphing Potion, valued at over 10 million Neopoints! She quickly quit her job and was now travelling around Neopia. Ginger, unfortunately, was not as lucky as that newbie. It was already her tenth year on the job, but she had never found anything worth more than a couple thousand Neopoints. Thankfully, she did find enough items in the trash to furnish her entire apartment! Every day she came home to an eclectic mix of Birthday, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Faerie Festival furniture and goods. As a senior member of the staff, she was assigned to the Haunted Woods today. Fortunately, it was one of her favourite areas (despite the creepiness) due to the nice Neopians that worked at the fairgrounds. She looked around at the dark trees and tried not to listen too carefully to the eerie sounds around her. She could have sworn she heard someone screaming in the distance...

Other Stories


Bones & Birthday Cake: A Lenny Curator Tale
The huge, looming skeleton of the Monoceraptor with sharp, gaping teeth - endless file cabinets of dusty records and research dating back hundreds of years back - clean glass drawers full of delicate, shining scarab beetle specimens. These are scenes that may be awe-inspiring to the average Neopian, but to the Lenny Curator, this was his everyday life.

by drziggs


The Initiate
The young red Techo looked up at the towering stone walls covered with hieroglyphs. Some he could make out as saying, “Order of King Coltzan I”, “Temple of King Coltzan I”, “Founder of Sakhmet” and “First High Cleric”. Over the walls, he could see the columns and rooftops of the buildings inside, silhouetted against the light of the sun and hazy in the desert heat.

by precious_katuch14


25 Reasons We're Still Here, 25 Years Later
When friends ask: why are you still playing Neopets? Isn’t that game from the early 2000’s?! You think for a while, but you can’t pinpoint the one exact reason why you’re still here... Collab with 9kas

by neoaggie99999


Neopets’ Greatest Hits: 25 Moments Shaping Neopia
Neopets has always been about community, friends, family and loved ones coming together to explore an online world that is filled with magic, mystery and a hint of mischief. Collab with mrblobby1984 and spitfyre_momma

by mango_


The Floating Islanders - Birthday Cake
Considering their track record with cakes, this is one of the better outcomes.

by yankeesrule244444456


Stable Year
Thank you for keeping everything together Collab with ophiopogon

by fivemilliononly

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