Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword sporty2443

Week - 458

Magnificent Mutants
by sporty2443
Description: It is understandable why some pets and their owners are hesitant about trying out the Mutant colour.

Week - 478

The Xweetok of Faerieland Academy
by sporty2443
Description: "Can you believe it? The faeries have chosen me to study at their academy! I'm going to perfect my magic with the most powerful beings in Neopia!"

Week - 504

Unfinished Business
by sporty2443
Description: Occasionally a passing guard or security drone would stroll by and break the silence, but nothing else did – nothing, that is, save for three dark-cloaked figures darting through the bright halls.

Week - 519

Rebel Among Rebels, Thief Among Thieves
by sporty2443
Description: Hanso flashed a cheeky grin. "Amazed by the great speed with which I pulled my escape, are we?"

Week - 542

A Better Way
by sporty2443
Description: Hanso strode through the streets of Faerieland with a jaunty step and a smirk on his face. He had nearly forgotten what it was like to walk out in the open daylight without fear of being recognized and chased by guards...

Week - 575

Unbreakable: Part One
by sporty2443
Description: "Faerielander?" the Draik growled. Arielle, speechless, could only nod in reply.

The Draik's eyes narrowed. "Good. Run along home now, but when you get there, tell your queen that I have a message for her..."

Week - 576

Unbreakable: Part Two
by sporty2443
Description: "But that's absolutely mad!" another councilmember shouted. "We can't move Faerieland until we've finished rebuilding. Doesn't he remember the treaty?!"

Week - 577

Unbreakable: Part Three
by sporty2443
Description: Brynn sucked in a heavy breath and forced herself to ignore the pain from her harsh landing. She scrambled up and, before the intruder could catch his bearings and run off again, grabbed him by the collar...

Week - 578

Unbreakable: Part Four
by sporty2443
Description: "Wraith pets... He's filled his entire front line with wraith pets," the faerie murmured. "I don't know whether to call that brilliant or just plain low."

Week - 579

Unbreakable: Part Five
by sporty2443
Description: As the wind rushed past and the ground approached at an increasingly rapid pace, the Battle Faerie leaned into the momentum and released her grip on the reigns to reach back for her twin swords...

Week - 580

Unbreakable: Part Six
by sporty2443
Description: This isn't getting us anywhere! the Draik thought with a snarl as Aethia's Eyrie made another pass at him. His own Uni swerved out of the way, and Hirok spat a stream of fire at his opponents for good measure.

Week - 606

Chance and Fate
by sporty2443
Description: He watched the boy's progress from the shelter of a nondescript alleyway.

Week - 634

Mind and Matter
by sporty2443
Description: Jhudora grumbled to herself as she trudged through the thick underbrush of the forest surrounding Glory Hollow.

Week - 1010

The Folly of Captain Dread
by sporty2443
Description: "There was a celebration aboard the Revenge, but to the uninitiated it would look like quite the opposite. All across the main deck, pirates brawled and jeered and shouted profanities at both one another and the churning waters below..."

Week - 1011

The Folly of Captain Dread
by sporty2443
Description: There were dark grumblings aboard the Revenge. This was not unusual – it took a certain darkness to embrace the brutal brand of piracy her crew prided itself on.

Week - 1021

Celebrations, and the Pitfalls Therein
by sporty2443
Description: If somebody had asked Hanso two months ago where he thought he’d be on this day, “The Faerie Festival” would not have been his answer.

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