A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword funkiemonkee903

Week - 405

Aww Look At The... Eww.
by funkiemonkee903
Description: Delightfully dim is not always a good thing...

Week - 413

The Misadventures of Swank and Kale
by funkiemonkee903
Description: You are too kind.

Week - 1020

Party Slorgs!
by funkiemonkee903
Description: Slorg parties have quite the aftermath...

Week - 1022

Ice Cream Shenanigans
by funkiemonkee903
Description: Why are you bringing an umbrella into the ice cream shop?

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The village was gone. Well, not gone, but smashed into splinters on the ground wasn’t much better. It made grim sense. It wasn’t built to deal with the wind. Nothing was built to deal with this wind.

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Magnum Imperium: The Candidate
Xantan groaned as his body shivered. Not again. He coughed harshly and braced himself on his forearms. A second cough caused him to collapse on his desk.

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