For an easier life Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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Ice Cream Shenanigans

by funkiemonkee903

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Coconut (is) Shy
I'm too shy...

by obaraten


Heal me please!
Rules are rules.

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The Light of Dacardia
Oggy gazed out his window and sniffed. The air was thick with the salty tang of the sea, and the sky, once a brilliant blue, had turned a brooding shade of charcoal.

by lavo0810


The Greatest Value: A Tale of Sakhmet Solitaire
In the golden city of Sakhmet, a stone’s throw from the steps of the palace, you will find an unassuming tent.

by mutt_pup

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