The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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Silver Lining

by lunensis

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The village was gone. Well, not gone, but smashed into splinters on the ground wasn’t much better. It made grim sense. It wasn’t built to deal with the wind. Nothing was built to deal with this wind.

by quanticdreams


Babysitter Buds
What’s a baby?

by knimble


The Adventures of Goryx and Xyrog
Goryx pushes back from the porthole in horror, shouting desperately at the transponder screen. "I don't know what you want, but I'm not here to betray you, I don't even know who you are or what you are. I'm just here to fix the satellite!"

by x__synnamon__x


Beginner's Guide to L54 Battling, Part 1: Introduction
The recent Void incidents in Brightvale and Neopia Central have brought renewed attention to the Battledome. Repeatedly crushing Voidlings may be fun for a while, but perhaps you are beginning to think, "I wonder if I could do this…with other Neopets?!"

by tcg81191

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