Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword valerina_chan

Week - 170

Neopian Times Christmas Promotion
by valerina_chan
Description: Some things are free for a reason...

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Great stories!


Love, Mr. Scary
Little did Sally's parents know that Fluffy wasn't an imaginary friend. He was the creature Sally had found in their barn. The creature that had devoured the farmers' crops and produce. He was the creature Sally called "Mr. Scary."

by bitsy_dj


An endless blanket of white stretched before him, the features of the mountains lost beneath it. The landscape slept, resting underneath its undisturbed white blanket, content to slumber a little under its icy coverlet. He had not that luxury.

by oily106


A Tale of Two Korbats!

by rach84150


A Pint-Sized Christmas
"I've heard tell o' this 'ere Christmas, but I don't know what it be all about, so I don't…we pirates don't know about anything called Christmas, never 'ave, probably never will do neither..."

by tambourine_chimp


Past The Point
Ahh. the smell of paint brush...

by cannonsmbt

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