Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Continued Series

The Tower Journey: Part Five

And seeing crimson flames dance around a light blue ice. The Snowager stopped immediately, enchanted by the blade, and Toggerneo took another look at it himself.

by neonick19881988
Savak: The Medallion - Part Seven

Savak looked up in surprise as his mother padded over from the other side of the cage. When she came to stand next to Murgoh, she looked up, and went stiff with shock.

by zephandolf
Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part Three

"Her name sounds so familiar; I think my brother mentioned a name like that after I had to pinch him out of that trance he was having."

by cruzerchic123
Retribution: Part Three

"Nina, please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

by child_dragon
Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Three

Carrie, Trev and Matt didn't know what to say. Carrie, being Carrie, was the first to break the silence. "Can you tell us what's wrong?"

by diamond_rox
Darkness Binding 3: Part Three

Darkness was in every direction, and to Cray's black eyes, there were others swimming around in the void. Long serpents without defining features, yet seemed unique in their own way.

by nomad2
Just Say the Word: Part Three

Nate reached into his pocket and pulled out the rusty key. He jammed it into the keyhole, and unlocked the door. The Acara slowly opened the door, and stepped inside the house...

by shadih_temporary
Mickey and Laden: Part Two

"Hello!" the Usul exclaimed, once seeing Laden. She held out her paw, and said, "My name's Chrissy and I think I may have some information about your Meepit."

by blubblub317
Princess of Erodaire IV: Part Two

"My corner..." I whispered softly to myself. As I stared longingly at it, my heart ached to be within it's walls once more. I could still remember the soft cushions that lined the inside, and how gloriously the windows caught the rays of the sun.

by christinetran
Raider of the Sky: Part Two

I looked up from my work as I heard a sound from without my cell. I had given up trying to open the lock, and was now working the hinges on the door. I had already opened one, but the other two refused to budge...

by shimmer765
Night Walker: Part Two

I waved a paw. "I have my connections, but never mind that. I need information about the kidnappings, Cork."

by ruin_star
One Angry Kyrii: Part Two

"Uhh, hi," Hawkins spoke into the little hole at the bottom of the window, announcing his presence. "I'm here to see Doctor Charmain."

by buddy33774
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Move To The Groove

Upon my investigation and researching, I have discovered one of the most well kept secrets of Neopia. Neopets from different parts of Neopia congregate each week and practise different types of graceful exercises combining both entertainment and workouts to the best effect, something that is generally classified as..."dancing"...

Other Stories


Christmas Never Came
It was so… peaceful then… so peaceful today, on Christmas day. So happy. Everybody was nice to each other, it seemed. Everybody was nice to everybody else, almost at least. Everybody was nice to everybody else… except for the street pets.

by chocolateisamust


A Pint-Sized Christmas
"I've heard tell o' this 'ere Christmas, but I don't know what it be all about, so I don't…we pirates don't know about anything called Christmas, never 'ave, probably never will do neither..."

by tambourine_chimp


Increasing Your Ten-streak Chances
Keeping a streak of wins is just difficult to do. Even some top avatar collectors have yet to get this avatar...

by xxtoyxx


A Guide to Mastering Those Ice Caves: Levels 11-15
This level caused me a lot of trouble because I made basic mistakes when I was trying to beat it. With this guide, you shouldn’t get as annoyed as I did.

by gkskis


Totodum and Turtumdee Christmas Special
Not-so-smart shopping...

by huggsy_666


The Comic Of D00M
The bike of doom!

by _dratini01_

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