Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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We found the following 42 result(s) for the keyword shadowcristal

Week - 158

Only an Accident
by shadowcristal
Description: "If you say 'Eld of the Fire, come to my aid!' while holding this leaf I'll come and try to help you," Eld said. "But please do be careful, this can only be used once."

Week - 159

A Truly Memorable Article
by shadowcristal
Description: No matter what you read, there is bound to be something stuck in your mind, that’s one thing for sure.

Week - 160

A Punchbag Named Sid
by shadowcristal
Description: Sid just stood there, letting the information sink in. Favorite… Being special. The bitter taste of losing spread in the punchbag's mouth as he walked off to the house.

Week - 159

Red X-Donations Galore
by shadowcristal
Description: One item per customer.

Week - 160

Writing for the NT When English is NOT Your First Language
by shadowcristal
Description: This is an article to help you to write for the Neopian Times… if you’re one of those international players.

Week - 161

Reaching the Sky
by shadowcristal
Description: "Dare to do things! That's what the books say…"

Week - 161

Getting that Ultimate Bullseye
by shadowcristal
Description: Yes, this is another one of those how-to game articles. But hey, there haven’t been any articles totally dedicated to Ultimate Bullseye.

Week - 162

A Neopian's Past-time Hobby: Collecting Avatars
by shadowcristal
Description: An avatar is a lovely little piece made of pixels that look pleasant to the eye. If that’s all you think of when you hear the word, you’ve only touched the surface.

Week - 163

Leaving Florae
by shadowcristal
Description: They talk as if I wasn't here… Maddy sadly stared into the ceiling. She didn't have anything against Draiks, but why would one have to take her place, right here and now? She just didn't understand why…

Week - 165

The Magical Road
by shadowcristal
Description: Thalia put her paw into the bag, grabbed her homework and ran towards the homework box. There, she tried to get the stuff out of the bag. It was a total failure. The Eyrie's paw was stuck.

Week - 164

How to Greet Neopian Celebrities
by shadowcristal
Description: What would you do if you ever met one? Well, today we’ll look at several ways of greeting a Neopian celeb.

Week - 166

Five Lottery Tickets
by shadowcristal
Description: "Why do we always do this?" Otur asked. She had heard the story at least a hundred times, but it always made her owner happy to tell it.

Week - 167

A Storybook Tale: Part One
by shadowcristal
Description: "Have fun with what?" Lexicae thought, quite confused. "Oh well, a free book... I won't complain."

Week - 168

A Storybook Tale: Part Two
by shadowcristal
Description: "It takes many faeries to stop a single pet, and we aren't that many of light. Some have already fled and others have joined forces with darkness. We need a pet to fight a pet!" Lyster pleaded.

Week - 169

A Storybook Tale: Part Three
by shadowcristal
Description: Lexicae started running back to the pond. The freezing wind hindered her, almost as if nature wanted her to reach the fortress. But there was something important at the pond...

Week - 169

Your Own Special Place in Neopia
by shadowcristal
Description: Perhaps you’ve already found your niche in Neopia. Or maybe you haven’t...

Week - 171

Midwinter War: Part One
by shadowcristal
Description: Charmond looked at the sky and sighed. He'd never be as good as Felix was. Felix the gifted Kougra... It just wasn't fair! Some people didn't have any talents.

Week - 172

Midwinter War: Part Two
by shadowcristal
Description: The forest was a refreshing change from the desolate village and the endless plain. It kind of reminded him of how he had gotten here. What was this place?

Week - 173

Midwinter War: Part Three
by shadowcristal
Description: "Watch out, little one. I will not be in trouble, but you will."

Week - 174

Midwinter War: Part Four
by shadowcristal
Description: He had to get out of the open field! The Scorchio ran towards the forest, hoping to be safer there. He quickly flew up and sat on a tree branch. As more of those scary pets arrived, Charmond realized he had forgotten his metal shield on the ground...

Week - 175

Midwinter War: Part Five
by shadowcristal
Description: "Thank you, my lord," Philip snorted as he walked off, dragging Charmond after him. "We'll be sure to return with that faerie!"

Week - 176

Midwinter War: Part Six
by shadowcristal
Description: They were red. A crimson red that he had glimpsed before... With a chill running down his spine, the Scorchio remembered the pets he had battled at that field. It was the same color, the same machinelike movements and the same apathy.

Week - 170

Christmas at Home
by shadowcristal
Description: He had promised that he wouldn't trust again. There were just too much risks... and they weren't worth taking.

Week - 173

by shadowcristal
Description: With a dash, the Meerca was on her bed. "Ha, ha, ha! You can't catch me! You'll never catch me!" He made a few funny faces as he bounced up and down on her silk covers.

Week - 172

Parade of Light
by shadowcristal
Description: "Now we'll just have to decide who will be first. Mind you, to be the lead, you have to be dedicated and willing to work hard since you will be singing a couple of solos."

Week - 177

There Is No Place Like Home
by shadowcristal
Description: The Gelert felt a twinge of sadness, but decided to explore the Lodge since there really was nothing to do. She opened the door, promising herself to make it worthwhile. Another door creaked, and Aurelie stared into a pair of blue eyes.

Week - 175

NT Fans, Attack!
by shadowcristal
Description: I’m quite sure you’ve heard of the NT. If you haven’t, it is really surprising that you’re actually reading this. Well, just for you people who don’t know, NT stands for the Neopian Times...

Week - 178

by shadowcristal
Description: "Enjoy it," she told me. It was almost a snarl, and depressingly dark. It was as if she was saying, "Enjoy it, because it will be gone soon."

Week - 179

A Rather Unsuccessful Attempt at an April Fool's Joke
by shadowcristal
Description: Something caught the dark faeries interest as she was floating by. It was a Chia, carrying a bunch of paper to print. After a few seconds, Onda realized that it had to be... the Neopian Times!

Week - 180

Rod of Dark Nova
by shadowcristal
Description: "Can't I just try it for a second?" Sapphire asked. "I won't break it, I promise!"

Week - 176

The Origin of Rivalry
by shadowcristal
Description: Jhudora's jaw dropped. She had never, never in her whole life seen someone with so many... freckles. Quickly she realized what this faerie's weak point was.

Week - 177

A Valentine for Nara
by shadowcristal
Description: Ah! The feeling of success! Garell held up a red envelope and several sheets of pink paper. He also grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink from Ellen’s table before he returned to his own room.

Week - 177

10 Flowers for Valentine's Day
by shadowcristal
Description: Forget the old cookies and chocolates. They’re out, and flowers are in! ‘Why flowers?’ you may ask.

Week - 181

The Price of Good Grades: Part One
by shadowcristal
Description: You work and you get paid, right? Well, then why shouldn't you get paid for going to school? After all, 'student' is considered an occupation.

Week - 182

The Price of Good Grades - Part Two
by shadowcristal
Description: He was about to leaf through my papers when I put my paw on the pile protectively.

Week - 183

The Price of Good Grades - Part Three
by shadowcristal
Description: As Martin opened his mouth, a cold feeling washed over me, followed by some regret and guilt. I imagined my friends making all kinds of comments. My social life, the sole reason that I had gone to school, would be ruined in this instant.

Week - 184

A Game of Mynci Beach Volleyball
by shadowcristal
Description: It didn't hurt to exercise, but she just really didn't like it... Why waste all that time when you could read? The Mynci sat down on her beanbag chair as she admired all the hand-made Neopian Times Quills in her room. Then she opened the book and started to read again.

Week - 185

I Hate Terror Mountain
by shadowcristal
Description: The yellow Zafara didn't like the climate. It contrasted awfully to her bright yellow fur and the wind seeped right through her bones. From the first moment she had set her foot there, she felt cold.

Week - 184

Quest for Wings: Part One
by shadowcristal
Description: The Poogle felt truly happy watching this beautiful scene, vivid and alive, but she also had another thought. Oh, how she wished to be able to fly!

Week - 185

Quest for Wings: Part Two
by shadowcristal
Description: She had to admit that she was a little bit scared. The dark would make it hard to navigate, and she hadn't forgotten that she had only been in the air for one day. Frost felt something wet and sticky surround her as the cloud floated.

Week - 182

Illusen's Cake
by shadowcristal
Description: The faerie wondered if she didn't love cakes and chocolate enough... She knew for sure that she definitely did not love cooking. Who could love cooking when the result was blackened, inedible piles of something that remotely looked like food?

Week - 183

The Great Easter Treasure Hunt
by shadowcristal
Description: I stopped my train of thoughts and started another one, reminding myself that it was actually Easter today. Easter meant Neggs...

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Three's an Evil Crowd
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