Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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New Series

Prophecy of the Equinox: Part One

“The egg shall be yours by midnight, you may be assured...”

by laurelinden
The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part One

"...The Crystal decides what will stay and will change."

by vanessa1357924680
The Legend of Hannah: The Pirate Caves - Part One

She had always wanted a life of danger, yet nothing ever happened in the isolated island of Krawks...

by riorocks68
King Roo: Part One

Many know of King Roo as the ruler of Roo Island and who is obsessed with dice-a-roo. But how many know of King Roo before he became king?

by scarletrhapsody
Moonlit Peaks: Part One

"I still find it annoying. I had to be your partner for our science project last term, and now I'm your 'explorer buddy' for our stupid field trip to Terror Mountain!"

by battlesunn
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"The Cursed Anubis" by dragoncatcher_sammy
"Ever hear that howling at night?" Frankie the Green Scorchio whispered. The others crowded around the campfire, listening to the Scorchio's every word. "Some say it's desperate Neopets, lost and in need of food and water..."

Other Stories


Lost In The Dark
Roland walked at a quicker pace, now the sun had set it was getting colder, and Roland had always heard the stories of Neopets that had got lost and never returned in the Neopian plains.

by _sugarygoodness_


I Hate Terror Mountain
The yellow Zafara didn't like the climate. It contrasted awfully to her bright yellow fur and the wind seeped right through her bones. From the first moment she had set her foot there, she felt cold.

by shadowcristal


Conquering the Invasion
Invasion of Meridell 300 BN is a complex game of strategy and luck...

by iom_champ


Kreludor: Safe, Or Dangerous?
Although discovered quite a while ago, not much is known about Neopia's moon Kreludor. So far, it is known as a tourist attraction, scientific site, and even as a marketplace...

by __wolf__raven__


A Day In The Lost Desert
Oh boy! Coltzan's Shrine!

by evil_squirrelz


The Joys of Being Neopian - Skarl
No wonder they call him the grumpy old king...

by ireallylovesb

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