Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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The CheeseBox

by intwae

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Savak: The Redemption - Part One
"We were having some territorial trouble with a neighboring pack. Fortunately, we have it resolved now. I hope," he added silently to himself.

by zephandolf


A Tasty Spell
You know how sometimes people say you can have too much of a good thing? I think Cabbie has first hand experience now.

by faeriestories


Wockys Don't Wear Overalls
Earwax is not a good fry topping. O_o;

by great_kougyoku


Avalanche: Part Three
"Here, you go first," she said. "That way, if you fall, I can try to catch you."

by extreme_fj0rd

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